Reviews for The Story of Emmalina
Sammii16 chapter 16 . 5/30
Definitely enjoyed
Thank you
LauratheChef chapter 16 . 5/30
Great chapter, You would think Snow would have at least 1 brain cell to comprehend that Emma isn't a baby anymore and that she is a grown woman who can make her own decisions.
Mollymooch45 chapter 16 . 5/29
You’re killing me smalls! I can’t wait that long for an update! Although getting a gaming pc up and running is a great excuse for not having the time! Keep on keeping on because you are AMAZING!
Mollymooch45 chapter 15 . 4/16
Can’t wait for you to continue! Please keep writing you are amazing! Actually you are beyond amazing! I am desperate to learn what went down in the town and how everything turned out with the double curse breaking. I’ll keep checking back so please keep going
LauratheChef chapter 15 . 12/24/2019
good chapter :) and lol they won't be pulling up Emma's sword anytime soon! thanks for the shout out :)
LauratheChef chapter 14 . 11/17/2019
i agree about the show's version of Henry :) If I include him in a story I make him younger than in the show or change his personality to be more receptive to listening to his mothers.

and LOL they are not irresponsible parents when it comes to Henry because he is a little shit that needs a good smack! so if you choose not to include him in a chapter it is completely fine with me ;)

good chapter :)
Sammii16 chapter 14 . 11/17/2019
ahtamclovin chapter 14 . 11/16/2019
make sure ruby gets reginas house the charmings don't deserve it and it should be lived in granny can live with ruby
Sammii16 chapter 13 . 9/28/2019
Thank you
Happy Birthday
Love this mind tripping you created.
Thank you again
Guest chapter 13 . 9/27/2019
Happy birthday! Great chapter Jennifer Baratta
ahtamclovin chapter 13 . 9/27/2019
happy early bday to another valentines baby mine is the 7th bro and sis the 13 .. if you didn't know ,just a bit of trivia oct 5th is the most common bday ,conceived on valentines day .. thanks for the update
IniPro chapter 13 . 9/27/2019
Looking forward to more updates. I love this story. Have been missing it. Congrats on the job.
deejayswan85 chapter 12 . 12/22/2018
very happy new year to you too... i love this story... keep writing...
baratta.jennifer chapter 12 . 12/21/2018
Best chapter
LauratheChef chapter 11 . 12/1/2018
yes i have been enjoying this. looking forward to more. I did enjoy the scene where Regina out smarted Rumple that was awesome!
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