Reviews for ON HOLD Let The Black Wolf Rise
JustAnotherStarkFan chapter 17 . 11/30/2019
AWWW so cute! I luv these fluff chapters. xD
GalaxyDragon chapter 17 . 5/4/2019
Oh my gosh, this was just so heartwarming! I still love the Kiara/Tony duo, its so sweet! And she's finally spoken to Steve again! I hope they see each other in person again soon! And Tony's going to make her a new hoverboard...I'm dead with these two.

I have sincerely enjoyed bingeing this story today, I am obsessed. I love Kiara, I love her whole dynamic and how fiery she is. You've done a really excellent job so far and I really look forward to future chapters.
GalaxyDragon chapter 16 . 5/4/2019
Again, an amazing chapter. I'm not surprised she's getting nightmares, but I'm glad she's found something to settle her mind, I just hope she manages to stay healthy with it. 50-60 chapters? Sounds amazing! Icant wait to see your Loki story, it's going to be brilliant! And no, thank YOU for writing this brilliant story!
GalaxyDragon chapter 15 . 5/4/2019
Why do I love them already! Elena is adorable! Also loved how she showed those two assholes! Another great chapter. As for how graphic it can get, I personally love it! I think it makes it way more realistic and it definitely makes it more accurate to what it would be like to actually live in the marvel world.
GalaxyDragon chapter 14 . 5/4/2019
Oh god that nightmare scene...Heartbreaking. Also, SHES BI! I love it! And she's going to live with Tony? I can't wait to see how that plays out!
GalaxyDragon chapter 12 . 5/4/2019
Thank god she's okay! That talk with her mom was heartbreaking though...I wonder if what she said means anything, though...I'm glad she got that dig in with Loki, and a nice goodbye to Steve.
GalaxyDragon chapter 11 . 5/4/2019
'Is it you, God?' Hilarious! Another brilliant chapter. That poor girl broke my heart, and so did the end. I really hope she makes it through. She's so willing to put her life on the line. I hope she finds a reason to live...Also, her and Steve teaming up made me smile. I think they'll be great friends.
GalaxyDragon chapter 10 . 5/4/2019
I love everything about this! Her saving the kids, teaming up with Tony, the fight with Loki, Steve...Perfect. Brilliant chapter.
GalaxyDragon chapter 9 . 5/4/2019
Oh she's feisty! I really, really love her! I'm glad she got to see Clint again and that she's willing to fight. Great chapter
GalaxyDragon chapter 8 . 5/4/2019
Ugh! Poor Kiara! She's in such a dark place, but she was still willing to save Steve even though he shot her (yikes). That save scene was brilliant though.
GalaxyDragon chapter 6 . 5/4/2019
That beginning was so dark, but a great peek into what her life was like
GalaxyDragon chapter 5 . 5/4/2019
Oh wow. Her powers. And her transformation...She seems quite formidable.
GalaxyDragon chapter 4 . 5/4/2019
Oh...She and Steve aren't getting on well...But I literally love Bruce! He is so sweet
GalaxyDragon chapter 3 . 5/4/2019
OMG. Just wow. That beginning with Clint. Why is she in a cage? How long did she spend there?! So many questions
GalaxyDragon chapter 2 . 5/4/2019
Oh, the tension is definitely high between Kiara and Fury! I can't wait to see her backstory!
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