Reviews for Shadowed Rose
drkprince chapter 11 . 7/9
yeah...CardinMcCreepy...I look forward to the bogus reasoning.. lmao
Guest chapter 48 . 12/11/2019
Hey, sorry about this, but I think you might want to use you're, because you always use your, even when it is grammatically wrong. Sorry I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi.
Shadowstorm-Vash chapter 73 . 8/2/2019
Lol I’ve never heard of this Minstrel place XD
Is it near Mistral?
Shadowstorm-Vash chapter 69 . 8/2/2019
I get what you’re going for here but it needed to be refined a bit more. A lot of the emotions that the assassins were meant to have didn’t come through clearly most of the time.
Also when the big bad king assassin is automatically afraid of Ruby it doesn’t bolster Ruby’s reputation so much as lower the assassin’s reputation. As the fear is mostly unfounded, or at least not explained well to the readers. Also why did shifter die again. Seems like all he did was show up speak some warnings a few times get looked at warily by the heroes then died. Other than those two things the chapter was as good a read as usual, keep up the good work!
Kaiimei chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
I'm saying this before reading this story, but WHAT?!

Ruby/Adam Pairing? I am...THOROUGHLY INTRIGUED. I've seen Rosewick, Fire Flower, Candy Cane, but I don't think I've ever seen a Red Bull fanfiction pairing...This should be...very fun.
leblos1 chapter 11 . 5/29/2019
So Ruby could defeat her entire graduating class but not Weiss? Absolut bullshit! Your OC Ruby was at first cool but after that Chapter... absolut let down and somehow you managed to make Cardin even more annoying!
His and Rubys conflict just makes absolut no sence!
TonyTrihard7 chapter 12 . 3/4/2019
fuck this... I’m not gonna watch a stupid ducking RubyxCardin... I’d rather kills myself
Kandy Pope chapter 2 . 11/12/2018
good chapter :)
Kandy Pope chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
good first chapter :) love it
FORD B chapter 107 . 11/11/2018
Great chapters as always!
merendinoemiliano chapter 107 . 11/11/2018
Really good ending, i loved how you made Salem, can't wait to see whath will happen. Well, maybe Ruby's silver eyes power could be the key to stop Ozpin's cycle, so Salem is fixated on Ruby staying alive. I would advice to find a place where put Salem's domain and after Weiss and the others finish whath they have to do ad Atlas obblige Ozpin to tell them how arrive there. By the way, you're going for the story with whath happened in last episode, storywise?
merendinoemiliano chapter 106 . 11/9/2018
Quite nice chapter, can't wait to see whath is happening. And i must admit i agree a little to the guest, trough it was worth it, for all those sweet battles. Good work.
Guest chapter 103 . 11/6/2018
God this operation was fucking stupid. What kind of plan was this supposed to be anyways? Why are they even fighting each other? Hazel tyrian and cowardly lionheart were their only enemies there, they could have teamed them from the get go and they would be in and out of there in under a minute with a raven portal, with the relic and no living witnesses that arent theirs. But no lets have most of our people fight each other to utter exhaustion and let the few highly outmatched enemies trample all over us to maintain our alibis that would have been pointless otherwise. Painfully idiotic, cardins death is totally her fault.
Guest chapter 83 . 11/5/2018
Even if she didnt activate it this time, people have been taking more injuries then they should.
Guest chapter 82 . 11/5/2018
I just realized, why does aura not block anything. Like, at all.
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