Reviews for Blood & Banners
simaruba chapter 1 . 8/3
I really love this story. I have read and reread it dozens of times, and I wish it had more chapters. It is perfect.
Kementari13 chapter 14 . 2/23
I wish this was longer! I'd have read 100 chapters of this fic, absolutely loved all of it!
Kementari13 chapter 4 . 2/23
I absolutely adore your Sansa! She's so strong but still a kind person and a believable character. I'm really excited to continue reading this!
siera2325 chapter 14 . 6/10/2019
loved that... really good story.
evangeline15 chapter 14 . 6/4/2019
Such a great story! it is almost as I always imagine their reunion. You gave me more emotions than the whole season 8 haha! I wish it had more chaps! Thanks for your work here!
bmthespian chapter 14 . 5/19/2019
Great story
little miss michelle chapter 14 . 4/29/2019
I adored this story!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/26/2018
Love it! Thank you for sharing
blueSands chapter 14 . 7/16/2018
That was really a satisfying reading!
I like your writing very much! Good work.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/13/2018
Probably the best Sansa and Sandor story I’ve read. Keep writing
The.Brilliant.Thinker chapter 14 . 7/10/2018
I absolutely love this story. I like the simplicity of the story line and the complexity of the characters. They’re what really give each chapter such depth not what they’re doing and where they’re going just them in their moment.
LilyBellBaciami chapter 14 . 7/6/2018
I like the story so far. Please keep updating.
destiny's sweet melody chapter 14 . 7/6/2018
I’m loving this story so far. The SanSan is so well done; not too sappy but still super romantic! I like the Sansa and Lyanna friendship, I haven’t seen that done before but it’s so believable the way you write it. Even though the way Jon is written makes me cringe sometimes, I think you’re right that he’d be a “weak” king in that he’d be so eager to please and “do right” that he’d do the same thing all the others before him had done and basically betray his sisters for their titles. I would have liked a little more Arya, but her few scenes were perfect. I’d love to see her interact with Sandor directly, though.

Love the story, and I hope to see more of it!
Heartlit chapter 14 . 7/6/2018
Beautiful! I love it. I love how you had them gradually, naturally build up their romance. First with walking arm in arm, then touching hands, then he’s holding her when she cries and touching her face. Sparring was very hot. Then he’s kissing her and he admits to wanting to be with her. I love how you did it. Best wishes,
WhoGirl13 chapter 14 . 7/6/2018
This was very well done. I'm a Sansa/Tyrion shipper at heart, but I consider SanSan a viable pairing. My usual objection to it within the show's cannon universe is her history with Ramsey and how it would affect her ability to move on sexually. I like how you handled it. Most SanSan shippers almost ignore the trauma, like she could move on without any trouble because of her feelings for Sandor. But that kind of trauma does not fade with time and isn't rational, and you recognized that. Sansa's body would react in fear even when her mind knew there was nothing to fear, and the two of them would have to work though that. I think it would have taken a little more time but I get that you wouldn't want to dwell on it.

I wanted the ending to be more fleshed out. I like to see people's reactions to unexpected events. Perhaps a sequel?

Plus, I noticed you completely ignored the existence of both Brienne and Tyrion. I would have liked to see how you handled the story with them included. It would have muddied the waters, but also would have made the story more complete. Still, well done. I look forward to more of your work.
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