Reviews for Stress Reliever
TVTime chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
Poor Ethan. He does seem really stressed out with everything. I'm glad that the twins got away from Deucalion though and that they're in the McCall pack now. It sounds like if Aiden and Isaac don't go at it, everything will be fine.

"He couldn’t have Ethan being occupied and then something happened. He might be tired and get hurt because of that."

That's a good point! LOL, he better get Ethan off for his own safety! :P

That was hot how Danny sucked Ethan's cock until he begged to be fucked.

LOL, and I got a kick out of it that they kept lube in that desk for just such an occasion!

"He still wanted to see his true alpha form, but Aiden was refusing to help on that part. It wasn't like he'd asked to have sex with them that way, even if it was a fantasy."

That would be really hot! It sounds like in this story Aiden would be less into it though, lol.

It was sweet how Danny calls Ethan's wolf in Hawaiian as a term of endearment.

The sex was really hot and Danny was definitely hitting all the right places for Ethan!

That was cool that Ethan had offered to turn Danny, even if he didn't accept the offer.

That's hot that Danny put a plug in Ethan to keep him ready for later. I love how he's going to get Ethan to fuck him before fucking Ethan again.

Great story! It was fun and light like you said - the ideal stress reliever!