Reviews for Can't go home
qtgirl chapter 1 . 6/1
Really like this story! Only a few chapters in, so maybe I just haven't gotten to the part yet or I just missed it...But if Alex is from another universe and suddenly appears in the Doctor who universe, how does she have both an apartment and a job?
MyBeewing chapter 33 . 4/18
Ok, can I just say how much I love this story ? I brilliant ! Fantastic, even ! (and I didn't copy nine's favorite word hehehe)
MyBeewing chapter 21 . 4/18
Well, I'm french, so I can say you were very close. It's not "et c'est parti", it's "et c'est reparti". Because the prefix "re" kind of stands for "again". So, yeah, end of the very short french lesson :) You should always be careful about online translators because they're not always accurate. Trust my experience XD Anyway, it's a great story !
savethemadscientist chapter 33 . 11/26/2019
I loved your response to the guest review that you mentioned, you took the high ground and showed who is the better person. Now Rose knows and understands Alex a bit more as well as the relationship between Alex and the Doctor. Looking forward to when you post more, especially looking forward to when they see Sarah Jane Smith.
savethemadscientist chapter 32 . 11/26/2019
What Cassandra saw in Alex's memories must have been quite horrible for her to have the reaction that she did and she told the Doctor that Alex blames herself for what happened. I hope that Alex can grant Cassandra's dying wish and forgive herself for what happened.
savethemadscientist chapter 31 . 11/26/2019
Interesting that the Doctor thinks Alex is a higher authority than him and he did not like being kissed by Rose. From Novice Hame saying about the lonely God and his Angel makes me think that Angel is what Alex used to be known as.
savethemadscientist chapter 30 . 11/26/2019
I loved this chapter, not surprising how Alex ran after the Sycorax were killed, she did blame herself and thought the Doctor would be mad at her but he wasn't. So we know that Alex's academy name is Lonnie, that is a really nice name. I do wonder what her other name is that she doesn't think she deserves and if she will ever go by it again. Something tells me that Rose is going to do everything she can to get the Doctor and Alex together as a couple.
savethemadscientist chapter 29 . 11/26/2019
That was different, that the Doctor didn't get the Sycorax leader to agree to leave until he saw the look on Alex's face. I loved the extra bit between him talking about to Harriet Jones and the Sycorax leader.
savethemadscientist chapter 28 . 11/25/2019
Jackie Tyler, do not anger, lol, I love that this is Alex's thought of her. Poor Rose, Mickey and Jackie are not only stuck with an unconscious Doctor but an unconscious Alex as well.
savethemadscientist chapter 27 . 11/25/2019
It seems even with Alex there Rose still needed convincing that the Doctor was still there but just looked different.
savethemadscientist chapter 26 . 11/25/2019
So Alex has now opened the watch and has all her memories back, I do wonder what she used to call herself and what she did that makes her think she no longer deserves that name.
savethemadscientist chapter 25 . 11/25/2019
That's one way to get Alex to go with Rose when the Doctor sent her away, handcuffed to the railing of the TARDIS.
savethemadscientist chapter 24 . 11/25/2019
I am not surprised that Alex took Rose's place in getting transported to the Dalek ship, she really is taking her promise to protect Rose seriously.
savethemadscientist chapter 23 . 11/25/2019
Love the original adventure, it was certainly intense and gave a bit more insight into Alex's childhood. It also showed how much the Doctor cares about her going by how far he was willing to go to save her. Obviously Jack was elsewhere at this point as he wasn't mentioned.
savethemadscientist chapter 22 . 11/24/2019
The mystery of Alex is growing as time goes, she is not a Time Lord but a species much older than the Time Lords and grew up with the Doctor.
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