Reviews for Crossing path
Kathareen chapter 1 . 8/16
Please don’t abandon this story. I need to know how it ends!
soconnor8893 chapter 43 . 4/5
come back please!
Guest chapter 43 . 3/6
Dear lucie I love this story so much but I wish also for some kind of resolution with draco and hermione / and thank you for taking such a dark subject and showing the length and depth to pull yourself out of it
missbaha chapter 43 . 2/11
Would love an update on this masterpiece!
BirdsOfAFeather92 chapter 43 . 1/4
Well, I’m throwing a pity party after not realizing that this wasn’t finished. I hope to see another chapter soon!
MmleGabrielle chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
Is there a possibility we’ll get an update for Christmas? Asking for... me. I’d love one! Lol
Anoriel Thiliedis chapter 43 . 10/21/2019
I reread the whole story just to remind myself of everything, and goshhh I still love it. Cannot wait for the next chapter, I hope it will appear eventually ;) but of course take all the time you need! The story is magnificent and if you are not the one who deserves patience from us, readers, then I don’t know who does. Best!
magiemae chapter 43 . 10/12/2019
Just found your story. It is KICK ASS!. I love it. You have made the characters have depth and emotion. I hope it continues.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Bella67x chapter 43 . 9/7/2019
yay! he admitted it! now Hermione has to catch up
TheLovedGranger chapter 43 . 9/3/2019
I need, yes NEED, more. I absolutely love (and really hate) this slow burn and I absolutely need to see them fiiiiiiinally actually tell the other how they feel. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Black Banshee chapter 43 . 9/3/2019
"Salazar … I give up. Would you be my best man?"
Yeah !
"he's broken, AND a selfish moron."
My thoughts exactly.
"Watching a hysterical Draco was much funnier than listening to it his ears glued to the door."
Astoria would be devastated if she cannot watch the memory !
"And you are going to keep your mouth shut even to Stori because if you tell her, it's the last time you'll ever see me. Am I being clear?"
There's little hope for the Pensieve...
The jar, the jar ! Awesome !
Black Banshee chapter 42 . 9/3/2019
"Bellatrix was long dead and six feet under. Or more six winds away."
Wicked !
But as a whole, sad indeed.
soconnor8893 chapter 41 . 8/18/2019
Just reread the whole thing again now that you're back! Please update soon. I'm really enjoying this story!
drummergirl456 chapter 41 . 8/7/2019
Ron deserves to have his ass handed to him. Welcome back 3. Hope all is well. I think you did the beat you could with writing the situation, it's a rough topic but I think you did a decent job this chapter.
PhoenixDragon111 chapter 40 . 8/7/2019
Oh hell.
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