Reviews for Powerless
HelenOfIlium chapter 68 . 9h
I’m so glad I’ve gotten to read your pieces after they’re finished - I don’t think I could’ve survived waiting in between! As usual, your writing and style is fantastic. You balance the lore and your own ideas seamlessly. I was hoping you’d name the first baby Astra - but got my wish with a later kid I guess! What a fun ride it was reading this. Painfully building up their relationship had me in suspense! Hope you are well and thank you for this lovely gift of a fic!
wishywash chapter 68 . 7/17
this was truely an amazing story, i loved it!
riawolfnl chapter 1 . 6/28
he has such a mood
Lexi-Noctura chapter 34 . 6/6
As weird as it sounds, it's something positive; you really have the talent to make my heart bleed... To see him this broken in front of my inner eye makes me want to crawl into your story and try everything in my power to heal those broken pieces... It is a wonderful talent you have, painful and wonderful
Lexi-Noctura chapter 12 . 6/5
Oh my... It is rare that I read a FF where ben is actually not only sorry but pained by the death of Han... It is beautifully written and horrible to read; so sad, and it pains me to see him that broken...

It's a courtesy to your writing, but sad...
ObsidianPhantom chapter 67 . 4/29
Oh my God, this story! This fucking STORY! I am in tears, it's so beautiful. I think you broke me. I am terrified to read the LAST chapter.
Shantigal chapter 3 . 4/17
Beautifully written
Shantigal chapter 2 . 4/16
Shantigal chapter 1 . 4/16
Twisted plot...interesting
Supergirl chapter 68 . 4/13
Great work
imaginarybeing chapter 65 . 4/3
Oh fuckkkk that’s the most bad ass moment I’ve ever read yo, way to go Leia
SamadiW chapter 1 . 3/26
Absolutely beautiful!
oldestj1 chapter 68 . 3/24
Omg, I am CRYING! That was the most beautiful Reylo story I have read! The way you kept the story going and how you wrapped everything up and left no loose ends was very satisfying! Thank you so much for this fanfic!
lekaiser1130 chapter 68 . 3/18
Omg! This was such an amazing fic! I laughed and cried SO hard! Every time Little Star said Papa I lost it! LITERALLY stayed up ALL night reading this! And with all this craziness going on with CORONAVIRUS I'm stuck in the house with my 4yr old who's out of school and driving me crazy! Lol! This story completely helped to not think about all the insanity going on for at least a night! YOU'RE an absolutely amazing writer and please please please do more Reylo fan fiction! Love love love this! Hope you and you're family are safe and healthy during this time!
ghibli3624 chapter 38 . 3/13
that was hot
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