Reviews for The Secret
Sara Caffrey chapter 20 . 5/18
I love the plot of the story but, my god... this English is awful! You should get a beta. I can't read it in spanish, I don't know a word of it.
Guest chapter 41 . 3/28/2019
Really neat story...thanks for sharing! Denie'
CathyD52 chapter 41 . 2/20/2019
I'm hooked. I read the whole story in 3 days. If I wasn't spending quality tiime with my husband, I was reading. I would read until 2am both nights.
Lizvet chapter 39 . 11/13/2018
Nooooooo. I was so happy reading this amazong plot. Waaaa. Where is the other book?
I want to read it, ya!
Hermosa historia. Me ha sacado muchas sonrisas.
It worked every second de mi lectura.
Lizvet chapter 32 . 11/13/2018
Omg! I'm enjoying tis plot so much!
Thank you for this. I do love it!
VivianaMerzhin chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Lost in translationsidewalk" used in the English version of this story is incorrect. I'm reading El Secreto in Spanish now. The word "banqueta" is where AnaGrace are sitting. In a kitchen, it's an upholstered bench with possible storage beneatha banquette is not a sidewalk.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 39 . 11/8/2018
I so want to slap that man and Ana for that matter to knowing what she knows but then again I think that Christian/Ryan is lying to her and himself too? What if Grace hears Ana yell out Christian's name? ;)
Samaria A. Chavis chapter 39 . 11/1/2018
will they be another part ?
Millse chapter 39 . 10/31/2018
Please update
stellahayes35 chapter 39 . 10/31/2018
update please
Cindra chapter 39 . 10/30/2018
Christian is beyond clueless and if he thinks that he can stop himself from falling in love again. It's obvious that what he feels for her is more than just physical attraction or chemistry. Ana seems determined to get to know the real man behind the face.
Guest chapter 38 . 10/26/2018
Wow did not see that one! Awesome!
joan.goldman.9 chapter 38 . 10/26/2018
Ryan is actually Christian Grey and he told Ana quite a bit including that he is undercover for the CIA and also made her promise that she wouldn't tell anyone especially Grace because it would all their lives in danger.

Ana is very hurt because he really did play with her feelings pretending to be Christian through her emails and telephone calls. How does Grace not know that Ryan is Christian? I know that he changed his hair and his eye color. But wouldn't she recognize his voice and Ana too or did he disguise that as well? What ever he is doing it's important to stop that man or woman for that matter from giving away technology to terrorists. Ana just has to sit tight for a while so that he can do his job. Is this person the same one that killed his fiancé or is there another person out there?
Cindra chapter 26 . 10/26/2018
I was nearly right! He is a secret agent but not with British intelligence and is Christian. Though it's kinda strange that they recruited him as a teenager that's a little young and why would the CIA recruit him while he was in the UK? I get that she's furious and hurt by his deception but when did he truly cheat on her?
Guest chapter 38 . 10/24/2018
i think it wont connect with the readers if you change characters now
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