Reviews for And Round We Go
Undesirable13 chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
Hey! So great to see you posting again!

I love the story, and I love the premise. I’m a sucker for a bit of TaiYama, especially when it’s written like this - nothing overly sappy or smutty, just two guys taking care of each other and dealing with love in all its forms (even if that form is trying-not-to-punch-said-boyfriend-for-being-stubborn-and/or-reckless).

Looking forward to whatever you post next!
Angelfish369 chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
I love how hard Taichi worked at keeping it together and how much Yamato just kept worrying and watching out for him. Would love to see this fleshed out since this set the premise for a great story!