Reviews for It Started Over Coffee: Berlin sidefics
kayl.squared chapter 3 . 6/22
When is the next chapter coming out? I’m on the edge of my seat. I most know what happened in between Naruto leaving Berlin and them getting engaged. I MOST KNOW! Spongebob voice: I NEEEEEEDD ITTTTT!

P.S all joking aside I love your writing and I’ve been a fan of yours for a few years now.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/9/2019
Hey! Just a question...Do you plan on continueing these sidefics or even the Berlin main story for that matter?

Don't mean to sound rude or anything, im just really curious cuz like this is turning out to be my favourite story in this universe. I know you initially said that you might not do ths main Berlin story but i wouldnt mind if you just did the sidefics...those are quite enjoyable as well (really thing happening in Berlin for this universe is awesome and greatly appreciated)

Anyway hope to see you soon! :D

P.s you're one of my fav writers and the ISOC universe is like my fav ever!
dogdemon-Narutofan chapter 3 . 6/7/2019
I can't wait to hear more about there lives In Berlin, Now that I know how it ends for them ! It's all bittersweet to see how much there lives have changed from every story and ever sidefic you send our way ! I'll be waiting to read more of there adventures and How much more they fall in love with each other.
neolavender chapter 3 . 3/20/2019
Reading these sidefics actually made me pretty nervous if one day you decided to write Berlin XD coz like, the first two chapters seemed to hint at how the two were drifting apart in a way that none of them had any control over—which is even sadder than their previous fights where both of them can just communicate their feelings, reassure, and cuddle each other until they made up.

And the part where Sasuke mentioned about Naruto flying home to get away from him... BRUH. Is it just me or mayhaps this might be foreshadowed in that bad dream sidefic? I re-read that particular chapter just now and BOI DID IT CLICK. The way Naruto’s packing up his things in the suitcase and Sasuke being afraid that Naruto wouldn’t come back from wherever he was going... what if that bad dream took place when Naruto’s about to fly from Berlin to the US? :(( but the fic hinted that Sasuke was hiding sth from Naruto (marriage proposal? Him cheating?) and that Naruto was staying with a female roommate (Sakura, maybe?). Well, all these theories about Bad Dream being their Berlin fight might just be wrong af anyway lmao. But still im lowkey scared yo :(

Also, after reading the many Naruto characters popped up in ISOC, for the longest time I was wondering when Sakura’s gonna make an appearance haha (When reading ISOC for the first time I even thought that the ex that Naruto kept on hinting was Sakura). But it’s good to see her making appearance here in a way that it doesn’t seem to antagonize her like most SN/NS fics do.

And my last point would be of the third chapter :’) I’m SO SO SO glad and relieved and happy to have been reassured that yes these gay ninjas would be married to each other in this universe. You’ve hinted about this many times (the most explicit one being Naru’s dream in Dream where he met an engaged Sasuke aww), but there’s nothing more relieving than reading Sasu talked about their upcoming wedding explicitly like this. And if what the psychic said was accurate (I forgot her name. I might read Nezumi back later), THEY MIGHT ALSO HAVE TWO CHILDREN EYE— I hope their domestic times would be featured as one of the chapters in Berlin sidefic coz I might just combust and reduced to tears of happiness from it.
Marisol rdz chapter 2 . 2/5/2019
Pienso que tiene un grave problema de comunicacion, obvio que cualquier pareja empezara a tener problemas si uno de ellos pasa mucho tiempo fuera de casa, naruto deberia hablar com sasuke sobre lo que esta molestandolo y sasuke deberia preguntarle a naruto si le molesta que trabaje tanto, ellos son muy fisicos pienso que necesitan estarse tocando y dandose apapachos y arrumacos todo el tiempo entonces cuando no hay eso la relacion se enfriara, los dos son tan inseguros aunque sasuke trae mas inseguridades arrastrando que naruto, me pregunto si sakura esta metiendo cizaña en la relacion de ellos. Ojala y si escriba la historia me encantaria leerla.
Lazy2Login chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
This is probably one of my weirdest reasons to write a review but reading user Ellie’s review down here, this is the first time I saw someone articulating exactly what I’ve been wondering in the Coffee & Dream fics. This fic is the fic that turned me into a NaruSasu shipper, so it means a lot to me. It’s just that compared to many other readers that voiced the exact opposite (their frustration over Sasuke’s feelings & antics), I, just like user Ellie, felt like he was actually underappreciated (for lack of better term) for his effort & development.

Naruto has somehow always been put on a pedestal by other characters compared to Sasuke. I’m not sure if you wrote this because you want to mimic their dynamic in Naruto Shippuuden where Naruto receives greater love from everyone or because there’s some self-insert going on.

Sasuke seemed to have more challenges to overcome and personal developments to go through to keep the relationship. From what I’ve catched on, most of the major lows in their relationship were mainly challenges for Sasuke (Hinata’s appearance, Itachi’s trial, Naruto’s accident, & Shion’s comeback). I wouldn’t say Naruto wasn’t affected by these events but ironically, the only reason Naruto fret over these events were because of Sasuke himself (his jealousy over Shion/Hinata & Sasuke’s insecurity over Itachi’s trial Naruto’s accident). It’s as if Sasuke had so much more at stake in the relationship than Naruto did.

The only events I can think of where Naruto was challenged were when Sasuke got attacked in Chicago and when Naruto decided to follow Sasuke to Berlin. But even the latter ended up (as we learned) with Sasuke fvcking up and causing Naruto to get away from him lol. Idk, I think I just felt so terribly sorry for Sasuke coz, as user Ellie said, ‘Naruto is always the golden boy. The innocent perfect boy who would never hurt Sasuke, and if something went wrong on their relsp it would always automatically assumed its Sasukes fault.‘

As for their support system, it did kinda felt that everybody is on Naruto’s side tho, even Itachi & his friends. Sasuke had Suigetsu, Karin, Haku, & (probs) Shikamaru. But they’ve never defended & supported Sasuke like others have for Naruto. And don’t get me started with the amount of ‘threats’ coming Sasuke’s way XD Hinata, Shion, Sai, Nezumi... and Naruto got his panties in a twist over Sasuke’s past nameless one-night stands and an intern that only got mentioned twice in the entirety of the story lol. Honestly I think the only real threat to Naruto was Yahiko. But he ended up taking Naruto’s side too lol.

When these things happened, I can’t help but to feel like Naruto’s being a hypocrite. I just feel like he’s being really unfair to Sasuke because he tends to write off Sasuke’s jealousy with a simple “But we’re just friends” when in fact Naruto got far cozier with these people than Sasuke has to any of Naruto’s ‘threats’ during their relationship.

Oh wow, look how much I wrote lol. I guess I just got fired up to see someone thinking the same as I do coz other readers mostly take Naruto’s side too. I won’t demand any changes tho if you actually write their dynamic like this on purpose. I’m just letting you know just in case you just don’t realize how it came off since I haven’t seen anybody defend Sasuke yet.
Angel chapter 3 . 11/21/2018
Thank you for continuing with this universe. I loved the chapter and can sense angs looming ahead
SicklyxSweet chapter 3 . 10/9/2018
I'm so incredibly sad you won't be doing a Berlin story, but I understand why. I do hope you'll grace us with a wedding and epilogue chapter where we get to finally see our boys settled and with kids!
Denkira chapter 3 . 8/30/2018
Ah, the feels! I’ve always been really interested in the Berlin story, so it is amazing to see glimpses of it and even though I know it will hurt me I can’t help but wanting to read the story about that dark period of their lives where Naruto took the plane to escape from Sasuke! I’m sure it made them grow a lot and that it is an important part of their relationship!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/29/2018
This must be the end *sigh*...i was really looking forward to somr berlin chapters.
DreamingOfSasuNaru chapter 3 . 8/9/2018
Omg this makes me wanna CRY. GAHHHH IM SO HAPPY THAT THEYRE GONNA GET MARRIED! Even though you always said it would happen someday, it’s not the same as having it confirmed and from sasuke iNItiating GAHHHHH. Too good. I would kill to hopefully read how it happened! Thank you for this- you are incredible!
DreamingOfSasuNaru chapter 2 . 8/9/2018
HAHAHHA omg I did NOT expect Shikamaru to have given him that coat! Amazing! I can’t believe it’s finally be revealed - love it! Also this is so like Sasuke- being a workaholic :/
DreamingOfSasuNaru chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
Ahhhh wow they’re in Berlin! So excited to see their story continue. Love the premise even tho it’s a side story :)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/2/2018
Great chapters! WE WANT MORE!
Ellie chapter 1 . 7/22/2018
Ive read all sasukes dream sidefics and Im kinda wanting more (i read previously the coffee series too), so i decided to read this.
I always always love your Coffee series, as it is more light and it explains more of S and N development and whilst there are insecurities and problems that came their way, either Sasuke and Naruto became the bigger man and understand the other and things became clearer and so no more heartache.
While Sasuke's Dream (part 1) was something i dearly love, the following sidefics started were hard to read. It was full of angst and complication and stubborness and both side, and while I still wanted to know what will happen on these two HS Sasuke and Naruto just so after a long multiple angst and bitterness I could get to say "finally" and smile while reading, I went on read this.
Again Coffee is one of my most favorite SN fanfic, both of them are matured although childish at some time Naruto being Naruto and Sasuke and his insecurities. But you always make sure that Sasuke in Coffee universe was more experienced about world and thus his understanding and patience rivals that of Itachi already, so it really saddens me whenever I have to read him acting like his Sasukes Dream highschool self.
Its kinda sometimes really tiring to read an un ending fights and complication and bitterness and anger bordeline to hatred but couldnt just because they're in love.
I have to admit that on your Coffee universe Im more into Sasuke's team than in Naruto. And Im always happy that Gaara even though he's Naruto's bestfriend tends to always make Naruto understand how Sasuke's mind works even though they're not really friends. Sometimes, Itachi who keeps on saying he loves his brother would more often than not side with Naruto and it even irks me that when he talks with Naruto, he would amend with whatever Naruto says to his brother and yet wont do it vice versa.
Naruto is always the golden boy. The innocent perfect boy who would never hurt Sasuke, and if something went wrong on their relsp it would always automatically assumed its Sasukes fault.
I know that this has been pointed out on Sasuke's dream sidefics as Sasukes thought on how everyone appears to be against him, even his brothers friend takeS Narutos side because "Naruto is a very kind guy" and it kinda makes me sick.
When push comes to shove, Naruto always get the love. Everyone's willing to take Sasuke's part on his life (and im glad he dont do that as he is a loyal fuck to whatever his heart tells him) but Sasuke gets the side characters as his support who only wanted to bang him and get physical with him or just dont care at all. People who would just be written so Sasuke could be seen with "others" as well. But Naruto gets all the main, loving him, supporting him, hating Sasuke because he hurts Naruto, sometimes taking advantage on him but mostly just wanted to be where Sasuke has left off.
I mean ive read this coffee universe and thats what always happen. Naruto gets the love, respect, care of EVERYONE and Sasuke gets minor unknown side character who he fuck or who fucks him literally, that sometimes when they get to meet Naruto they too would love and take his side.
I haven't read someone who would challenge Naruto for Sasuke as it was always the other way around.
I get to love Kiba too in Coffee story as he often understand Sasuke since he knows how Naruto can really be hard to deal with. Yes there are few people, but mostly if these people would choose between the two, easily they would side with our golden boy.
I hope Sasuke gets to have love too in some of your future stories here in Coffee universe.
Im sorry for this long rant, and thank you for writing this beautiful naruto universe. :)
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