Reviews for Living Arrangement
Czesiowa chapter 10 . 1/21
I keep coming back to this amazing story with hope I'll see a new chapter every few weeks, please continue?
catskeye chapter 10 . 11/21/2019
this is fantastic... please please finish it
Guest chapter 10 . 8/16/2019
I really love this story, everything was perfect and I'm so glad you wrote it ! Can't wait for the last chapter, until then thank you for writing this !
saci chapter 10 . 5/12/2019
I only just discovered this story and I love it! You h Harvey and Donna are so adorable! I can’t wait to read the last chapter!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/12/2019
Just stumbled across this for the first time and so lucky I got to read 10 chapters back to back. So fun to read D&H characters outside of the firm. My fav chapther by far was the one where they just held hands without talking and then of course Donna coming to him but nothing happening other than holding. Can't wait for the last chapter!
nikkaq chapter 10 . 5/11/2019
OMG you updated! Thank you, thank you so much. It's really so nice to see Donna and Harvey being so soft with each other. Him asking her if he needs to move out now that they're together is gold. I love it. BUT THAT ENDING WAS SUCH A CLIFFHANGER. Looking forward to seeing Mike and Rachel's reaction on the new relationship.

Sad that the next one's gonna be the last but thank you for sharing this story! It's beautiful. :)
No chapter 9 . 3/2/2019
I love this story! Hope you will continue to write!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/8/2019
love it! Keep it up :)
Mmlikestowrite chapter 9 . 12/2/2018
FINALLY! a new chapter! I've loved this premise from the very beginning and you've gone such a great job capturing a young Donna and Harvey, and their internal angst. I can't wait to read more!
thoseirishgiants chapter 9 . 11/29/2018
OH MY GOD THERES A NEW CHAPTER I’m so excited i think about this fic about every week wondering about where the story will lead. I love these characters and this world you made as its AU but the characters and the relationships are, at the core, the same. Thank you for returning to this! I can’t wait for the next chapters, whether it’s 2 or 4 or if they take months to come out. Thank you as always for sharing! Off to go reread the fic so far :)
nikkaq chapter 9 . 11/29/2018
OMG YOU'VE UPDATED. I really love this story of yours. You've beautifully written the morning after. It was sweet, awkward, full of tension — I. JUST. LOVE. IT. And how you ended this chapter OMG I'm really looking forward to the next one hihi :)
Rose4darvey chapter 9 . 11/29/2018
So happy you are still writing this story. Have loved it from the start. Great chapter but I need the cliffhanger resolved! Lol cannot wait for more!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/13/2018
I really really love this fic! Keep it up xx
AnonymousDH chapter 8 . 9/16/2018
Sjdjdjfjdjjdjdjfjfkfkkfkds this chapter. Wow. I love how they’re slowly letting the other in again, opening up more and more and testing the waters. That moment of them walking and then just standing at the waterfront, holding hands like that. IM FINE. And when they’re home and she comes to his room, because she isn’t okay and how she stays.. DJDJJDKSKSKA I’m a mess and I can’t wait to read the next chapter
Guest chapter 8 . 9/9/2018
I love this fic! Keep it going
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