Reviews for The Prince Next Door
Guest chapter 36 . 4/3
binged this in a day because it was so incredible. an absolute delight from start to finish. you have this wonderfully effortless style that just invokes joy. thank you, and i wish you all the best
Viva33 chapter 36 . 3/25
Beautiful. Very enjoyable to read this quarantine situation.
Lairenna chapter 36 . 12/21/2019
This story was AMAZING. I'm blown away by how thoughtful this was planned out and all the tangles. I'm really glad you didn't do anything too predictable, as you stuck to the guns of "the future is always changing."
IDunnoMyUsername chapter 25 . 8/18/2019
Love the story would like an update. Remember it’s your fanfic and you write what you want to write.
Thunder Demon of Noir chapter 32 . 7/20/2019
You mean twenty years into the past you dumb fuck
Thunder Demon of Noir chapter 31 . 7/20/2019
Why do you make it to where Jon avoids flying on Rhaegal at nearly every fucking opportunity? Unless there’s no other option? Are you fucking daft in the head you simple fuck?
Thunder Demon of Noir chapter 22 . 7/20/2019
You have got to have a larger vocabulary than just “whilst”. It shows how lazy and repetitive you really are.
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 18 . 6/10/2019
Cant' believe how much I enjoy this story, you are a very good writer, not just in the way you write, also because you continue the story big time jump whit no sense, and out of characters, all of that, so thanks.

I really like this and can't wait to know what else is happening here!
The only thing that makes me a little uneasy is that Dany sound kind of sad when she saws Jon in this last scene, that means that Jon is dead in her timeline? Hope no, altoughrt maybe is just me and being a little jumpy whit this fandom jajaja.
Until next time!
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 13 . 6/9/2019
I know what I left out last review, the way they learn that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna son was the best, I really think is not big deal and they manage it very good, not letting that get in they're relationship.
I think this is getting more exiting! And finally Arya is here! I love that character, specially this last seasons were she is the woman she meant to be, so badass.
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 12 . 6/9/2019
Things are gonna change!
This is getting better every chapter and I can't stop reading! Jajaja
Into the next act now
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 11 . 6/8/2019
Ughhhh, you are so freaking amazing!
Every chapter I read from this story is so good in every sense, but what gets me more exited is the relationship between Jon and Dany, the way you manage to make them so in love and free and young without them losing they're strong essence amaze me, especially because I really think they are truly like this, that make sense? Jajaja
But like every chapter absolutely love it, excelente job whit the canon thing whitout losing your story.
Until next chapter!
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 10 . 6/8/2019
They love each other.
Even if its not a surprise, it was beautiful the way they say it, I just love these two characters that you created.
And wow, Dany is so close to discover Jon true parents, at least his father, but the way you handle it its flawless, the clues you drop, and how Dany was about to think in Jon like her savior, uffff.
I also love how you they disagreement goes, they are ment to be, perfecto for each other.
I knid on want them to meet, I don’t know, I know they are meeting, but I guess it’s not the same? Anyway, I’m happy you are taking this out of canon, even if i love season 7, this story have to much of it own, that I can’t wait of what you bring on this, like the marrige propusal, it was very diferent but very cute.
Amazing chapter! See you in the next one.
And I don’t know if I already say it, but you are veeeery good at writing lemons jajaja
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 8 . 6/7/2019
Every chapter you write is so perfect from start to end, and this one was truly beautiful, every part of it, it’s just so sweet, and the Dany you are showing it’s exactly how I think she is, so warm and loving, but strong in her own way. And Jon, Gosh, this Jon is truly perfect, jajaja I died of love and laughter when Dany saw his chest, obviously she can’t stop noticing who yumi it is!
So yes, excelente chapter as usual.
Let’s see what you have prepare for the next one!
Love, Caro
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 7 . 6/7/2019
That was the best reunion ever! So simple and no complicated like they're friendship, just beautiful.
Now I get it, Rhaegar is death, he just use this "Time door" for visiting her sister, did he knew Jon was his son when Dany talk about him? That would be very interesting.
I must say that you are very intelligent, whit this doors you have access to every part of the Game of Thrones universe and time line, so the sky is you limit girl! (I'm assuming you are a girl, if you are not I'm sorry)
But yes, so far so good, one of the first fics that is not a desapinment, although I must say I was hoping for a change of destiny for Robb and Margaery, I recently learn that I really like that couple, they are very cute together.
Anyway, amazing chapter as always, can't wait to read next one, btw sorry if I'm overexcited here whit my reviwes and bla bla, but I must say I'm a very obsessive person, and when something likes me, really likes me, I can't stop jajaja.
See you in the next chapter
Alive to Live a Lie chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
This was beautiful, it was sweet, cute, so romantic and warm, full of love, every single emotion so clear, I really really enjoy reading it. Thank you.
So, I am very excited for what is yet to come, every chapter I read is flawless, a delightment after everything that is been happening to this fandom lately (season 8) :(
I must say I been enjoying all the mystery and stranger things that had been going on, it gets me really exited every time I can guess a new theory about what is going on, it's been very fun.
So here I go! Can't wait to keep going on this adventure whit Jon and Daenerys.
Read you next chapter/act.
Love, Caro
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