Reviews for What happens next
nenor-19 chapter 14 . 7/6
are you going to update?
nenor-19 chapter 14 . 1/28
whens an update coming? i really like this story
Guest chapter 14 . 1/28
Pleas update soon!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/10/2019
Please update!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
I guess you gave up
ChocolateismyKryptonite chapter 14 . 5/11/2019
I'm laughing at how everyone is so used to Cory's dramatics that they don't even blink at them anymore. Awwww, Lucas isn't going anywhere but I'm remembering him being away at the beginning of the story in real time so I'm wondering why he leaves.
lovesbooks12 chapter 14 . 5/10/2019
That was such a sweet moment when Lucas told Riley he wasn't going anywhere and she's finally admitting he's her boyfriend. I had heart eyes reading the Rucas parts.
Erin9877 chapter 14 . 5/10/2019
"...mumbling about fake sisters and killing that old man." lol, Cory kills me. So did Lucas but in a very different(romantic and sweet)way when he told Riley he wasn't going anywhere. Thanks for updating.
FondOfBooks chapter 14 . 5/10/2019
I usually think Joshaya have too much chemistry and history to be just friends but it seems fitting here.
As for Rucas, I feel like their romance has been on fire since the beginning. Lucas has been relentless in chasing Riley which I love and her calling him boyfriend in this chapter was adorable. Love them and I think once Cory and Topanga get a chance to see how Lucas feels(it's written all over his face) about their daughter that they'll come around and be happy for her and the baby. Loved it.
xxxxxAmy chapter 14 . 5/10/2019
"I'm not going anywhere." YES! You picked the best possible moment for Lucas to decide not to go to Paris, so sweet.
KeepAllMyPromises chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
BOYFRIEND, she said it :)
It looks like the baby made the decision for Lucas but then why is Riley alone in the future?
Laugh instead chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
Josh and Maya's timing has always been off and Maya knows it still is. I love Riley calling Lucas her boyfriend, they have always felt like they're meant to be to me in this story even when Riley was trying to play it off like a one night stand. For me, Lucas listening to the baby's heart and telling Riley he wasn't going anywhere wins for best moment of the story so far, that was beautiful. Great chapter.
It's Allie chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
There's only so many times you can fake a heart attack before everyone catches on but at least Cory's dramatics helped Maya to slip out unnoticed...Almost. Auggie trying to help Riley out was adorable and her stress eating was cute. I was so relieved that the baby is healthy. I love how you used the totally sweet moment of Lucas hearing the baby's heart to make him realize he didn't want to leave.
I know he's been gone according to the present day chapters and I'm curious what makes him change his mind but for now I'm pretending I don't knw that and I'm just basking in happy feels for Rucas instead.

I'm happy Josh didn't question Maya wanting to be just friends but I'm staring to question if he's being totally truthful about still not hearing back from the chapel.
Thanks for coming back.
WhereverWhenever chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
Riley calling Lucas her boyfriend and Lucas knowing he couldn't leave after he heard the baby's heartbeat tied as my favorite moment in the chapter.
someday00293 chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
Poor Riley, Cory is so over dramatic that it's no wonder she was stress eating. You made me nervous for a minute when Lucas rushed her to the hospital, I'm relieved there's nothing wrong with her pregnancy. Lucas deciding he wasn't leaving once he heard their baby's heartbeat...Sigh. I'm wondering why he seems to be gone in the present though, what happened to make him leave?
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