Reviews for Mad Cat
Guest chapter 18 . 7/19
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 9 . 7/15
-So... Fucking Asshole Catboy is a fucking asshole, even by Fucking Asshole Catboy standards

-So the PJ Drones weren't enough to keep Fucking Asshole Catboy out of HQ. Maybe they should've invested in a butterfly security team...


-Gonna refer to Ant-Man and point out this is more of a strong-armed robbery than burglary but w/e

-Good action sequence, always fun to read about 7-year-olds beating each other up ('Fuck, I could watch kids fallin' off bikes all day.'). A little hard to follow at times, but I'm also easily distracted. It kinda feels like Fucking Asshole Catboy was rougher on his former best friends than on the Wolfies who were about to eat a cat alive (I'd almost argue he basically attempts to kill Owlette)

-Connor becomes... BLACK PANTHER! I didn't have one for last chapter so I get two for this chapter! And I'll stop following up on these next time!

-I think Fucking Asshole Catboy should've had no dialogue with his teammates here (or at least not openly taunted Gekko, a one-line taunt to Owlette in a low whisper/growl would be believable enough). Unless I missed something about FAC's remodeled suit having a Batfleck-esque voice modulator (or Connor's just a naturally talented voice actor), his friends who last saw him not 24 hours ago probably would've recognized his voice, or at least found it a bit too eerily familiar. But whatever.
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 8 . 7/7
-I'd apologize for this one taking so long, but I have no idea if you're reading these or even still active anymore. At this point this is more for my own sanity. At least I'm caught up on the show now.

-I guess I never checked the publish date but I'm a bit surprised you were writing this before season 2 aired. AFAIK the show has been around for 5 years now, though I guess different dub dates and what not (especially since the original books and show weren't even in English to begin with). Its a common side effect I see of writing fics alongside ongoing shows, especially kids shows that don't have very rigidly established canon. Curious to see later chapters and how the new season 3 characters fit in. I think season 4 has been adding a bunch of new characters as well, but I'm not that far yet.

-'Night in the city, and a ruthless vigilante is prepared to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day!'


-Even when they're not superheroes, kids in PJ Masks are basically given free reign to go wherever without any adult supervision, and virtually everyone in town becomes comatose at night. This kid is fine.


-The Wolfies fall into another common 'kids show angstfic' trope. Normally ineffective/comedic villains are turned into straight-up monsters to justify the antihero's Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Romeo falls into this too, but I think it was a bit more fitting for him. Curious to see if/how this trope applies to Luna Girl, since she has a bit of a sadistic streak as well (despite being the only villain to really willingly help the PJMs). Not necessarily a criticism (tropes aren't inherently bad after all), just a general observation.

-Shoving the Wolfies in the trash can seems like extra steps. Just clock them over the head with a 2x4 and call it a day. Night. Whatever.

-I guess I still got 8 chapters to get through, but: If you plan on continuing this story and want someone to proofread/edit/collab on future chapters, I'm willing to help. Make of that what you will sine m reviews are basically worthless.
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 6 . 6/13
-Not only did Romeo discover that guns are a very simple solution to most problems, he also figured out about building backup gadgets (which he did in Catboy Squared, but technically the duplicate multiplier should've disappeared when they destroyed the original, unless the first one was the duplicate, and then- ah forget it)

-Robot isn't useless for once (I swear every other episode in the latter half of season 2 was Romeo trying to find something to replace him)

-'Suck on this, Romeo!' Owlette pls

-'He actually got out using a teleportation device built into his glove-' Let me guess, this story ends with him using that glove to wipe out half of all life in the universe

-Doomcat fucking glory kills PJ Robot

-Romeo's ambivolence to killing Catboy is surprisingly in-character for him (fanon only, really...) I consider him one of the more insidious villains in the show (though IIRC Luna Girl is the only one who attempts to outright kill them a couple times. Night Ninja I could see just freaking out if he accidentally killed someone)

-Pretty sure Owlette could've just flown down to try and find Catboy. But this is PJ Masks, they routinely forget they have superpowers at the most opportune moments.

-Connor becomes... KYLO REN!

-And yes, I do blame Connor Ren. Unless his brain damage is that extensive, he has no excuse to just treat his friends like dirt. You don't get to make the sacrifice play and then take it out on everyone else.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/10
Any chances we'll get an update soon? It has been months since you last updated.
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 5 . 6/6
-Okay, so I suck: "Clearly my standards for canon consistency in children's television are too high." I've lost my right to talk shit. Still gonna, though.

-You know the chapter's serious when it shares its title with a Three Days Grace song

-Connor becomes... MALUS DARKBLADE!

-'Comedic villain turned fucking monster' gives us one more for kids show angstfic bingo! Just need a love triangle subplot, and the characters to be aged up about 7 more years...

-Just got tested for Covid-19, so the 'brain drilling' bit did get to me, ngl
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 3 . 6/4
-Still haven't gotten to PJ Robot in the show, now I picture it as Ghost. Maybe I should recycle my old incomplete fic and make a PJ Masks/Destiny crossover...

-Asshole Catboy is an asshole, even by Asshole Catboy standards

-New episode title idea: 'Grow A Spine, Owlette'

-Interesting to see the PJ Masks families touched on, since obviously the show never does (AFAIK). I always took it as the kids just pretend to have families. I know Amaya and Greg got kidnapped in one episode, it always struck me as rather terrifying to think about (especially since Connor's response is to do nothing for 14 hours).

-I'm pretty sure there aren't any police in the town, since the villains can steal anything from sports gear to an entire train in broad daylight without anyone noticing.

-Similarly, AFAIK nobody besides the villains seem to even know the PJ Masks exist (they stay out of sight the few times people are out after 8 PM). Clearly my standards for

-Connor becomes... DOOMGUY!

-I feel like a lot of the dialogue thus far is Catboy yelling at Owlette while Gekko stands uselessly in the background. I also feel like that happens in the show quite a bit too (albeit with preschool target audience in mind)
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 2 . 6/3
-'It was well past midnight'- So the PJ masks have been at it for about 2 hours.

-I haven't gotten to PJ Robot in the show yet, so I'm picturing it as the T-1000

-I noticed Catboys snark powers are enhanced by agonizing pain. Make of that observation what you will.

-I'll sum up the latter half with: 'Connor becomes... MOON KNIGHT!'
Flyinpenguin117 chapter 1 . 6/3
So I found this awhile ago but never really got the motivation to actually read it. After some particularly boring night shifts I figured I'd start, because there are few things I love more than edgy preschool cartoon fanfic. I'll try to leave a review per chapter as I read, admittedly they're gonna be more MST-style snide remarks, but I'll offer up any legitimate critique I have. But then, I don't have it all my damn self.

-Okay, paragraph one and I have 2 critiques (both of which are really just pet peeves, one moreso than the other): First, consistency in past/present tense. Most of it is in past tense, 'have been bombarding him' is present. A lot of fanfics tend to do this (I think I saw it a couple more times in later chapters), I wouldn't be surprised if I'm guilty of it too. There are 18 more chapters, I doubt its a constant thing. Second, 'the cat themed superhero.' A common fanfic trope that I've never been fond of is referring to characters by bloated generic descriptions to make prose sound more flowery, yet I see it offered as advice everywhere. I can't think of a single published book I've read that relies on it as much. But maybe I'm just being salty. I'm definitely just being salty.

-I won't get too nitpicky or this review will be longer than the chapter. A couple run-on sentences (second paragraph) or repetitive sentences ('the Ninjalino footprints were all over the scene, and they even found toy figure of Night Ninja at the scene'), but for the most part the general prose, formatting, and story flow/pacing is good. Okay, enough with the literary criticism and on to the riffing.

-'Night Ninja steals a painting of the town founders'- I think this was an episode of PAW Patrol. Even though I know they're both preschool shows, its not like Night Ninja is gonna be sell military hardware to bait the PJ Masks. Maybe it was a statue, idk.

-'Since when did Night Ninja not suck?' I mean, he nearly wins 90% of the time. I was watching Ninja Moths while writing this and the Ninjalinos are pretty much doing exactly what you describe here (granted they were helped by moths. Which will never not be gross to me)

-Catboy is an asshole, even by Catboy standards.

-'When she tried to take over it'-NITPICK ALERT NITPICK ALERT

-You don't get to say 'Its time to be a hero' until you mope about how you're worthless trash, those are the PJ Mask rules.

-'For being my source of inspiration, or should I say, my muse.' Did you seriously just quote South Park?

-I've played enough Call of Duty to know that being seven doesn't preclude you from knowing bad words.

-Owlette ejects from the Owl Glider, hits her head on the canopy, and fucking dies.

-Planes don't have steering wheels, its a yoke. I play a lot of Microsoft Flight Simulator, so I'm basically a pilot (see above Top Gun reference)
yoshoda chapter 18 . 5/5
wow! i totally ship conmaya so please update
PokeR FaCE 2091 chapter 10 . 5/4
Jacob Phantom chapter 18 . 2/4
Please update your story soon!
Hunter roger chapter 18 . 1/24
Hey,... It's me anonymous dude, I have had a lot of loss in my life, my grandparents, and we'll it's been almost three years and I have been strong, until now I'm looking control of my emotions, like sadness and rage, and we'll when you do another chapter please help me by reuniting them, it hurts less when I know at least others get to see the one they love again, and I mean love as in family, they are a family, mine is breaking please don't make another person even if they aren't real suffer like I have, please, at least give this story a true good ending, one of true family, not by blood but by emotions and feelings, please st least help save their family because you can, a chance i lost. It will help if I know a family survived and made through what kind couldn't.
Anonymous dude chapter 9 . 1/19
Yo I wanna say, I well emotionally let down my guard reading this story again on purpose, I had a realization, I know how mad cat feels mentally even though I'm still same and not hurting my family, I well have been through some well shit, that made my well negative emotions very powerful and well I contained them at the price of showing any true emotion, and we'll this story helped me realize this, if I were to enter that world, I think that beside the physical trauma and mental control levels me and mad cat aren't that different, and if we met i think I would help him at least not become externally cold and emotionally false after his hopeful redemption. I really think that me reading this was more than coincidence
Anonymous dude chapter 18 . 1/18
Please use my idea so that it really s a good story
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