Reviews for High Hopes
awh man chapter 14 . 7/6
pls update LOL i love this story so much
jeyelsee chapter 14 . 6/25
Can't wait for the special date Sasuke planned.
jeyelsee chapter 14 . 6/25
Absolutely loved this. My heart is swelling in happiness for them.
HinataOverAnyHoe chapter 2 . 6/2
Awww Kaito is so adorable! I was kinda hoping for a description of what he looks like, it's mentioned that he has Sasuke's hair and eyes but I wanted a full image of him. Urghh wtf, I'm only in the second chapter so I'm sure I'll get to find out later on. Lemme read on! Xx
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13
I really love the pacing and slow burn in this story
It's so great that they finally had a chance to try again.
Thank you for writing this story! I hope you'll update soon! I also hope you're doing fine since there's a pandemic going on. Have a nice day and stay safe!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/12
I recently got back reading my otp fics due to quarantine and I kid you not, this story is very nice!
This chapter is really sweet! I had a lot of "aww" moments. And btw, every chapter makes me feel a little angsty [not that I'm complaining, it just feels very effective on bow the plot os going]
I'm very thankful that you had written this story! I'll be keeping an eye for the future updates too! [seeing that you just updated last month]
Sorry for the long message, but I hope you to have a great day!
everlastingstarsinthenightsky chapter 14 . 5/1
This is definitely one of my favorite fics! I think your plot is well thought out and there’s a realistic flow. Of course people can argue the proceedings but I like that they have an arguably respectful relationship. The vibe doesn’t feel like “you did this to me so i’m gonna do that to you”. I think that’s a very typical albeit realistic route to go but I like that you characterized hinata and sasuke as mature adults. They’re both selfless and we understand that they’re wiser now to start again and admit their faults - no need to drag it out. Even sakura’s writing I liked that you didn’t go the route of making her out to be an asshole. I could go on and on but truly the running theme is respect for me and I really commend you on how you let that come through. Anticipating the future chapters and thank you for all your efforts!
Break Blade chapter 13 . 4/28
Can someone explain to me the shitty review of "Really"?

I mean, wtf with you? To begin with of what should hinata forgive sasuke? And second, were in fucking hell you think in a healthy relationship you must make your partner beg and pay for forgiveness?

Hinata's and sasuke's marriage failed, thats it. It wasn't that he hurt her or him being unfaithful or she being a bitch. They simply weren't good at the relationship thats all. Thats normal in relationships, some times things dont work, thats it. But it was not something of a fault in them.

And yea sasuke was an asshole for the naruto thing but it to wasn't a problem of that magnitude. Just he was angry, his only fault was making his son pay for his anger.

So both of them getting to regain their relationship is well done, they never stopped loving each other, they just weren't right for each other at the time, they both made mistakes and finally have found in them the chance to work things out again.
Break Blade chapter 14 . 4/28
Hey there. Got finished just now the whole fic. Its so nice and so well written y loved it. Its a nice ongoing story. I hope everything goes well until the end. Its nice and refreshing a simple life story with not much drama. So hope to read you soon.
LB Cat chapter 14 . 3/26
I re-read the entire story. Wonderful. Makes a fuzzy feeling. Thanks
Really chapter 13 . 3/24
I don't understand why you had hinata forgive him, where is his sincerity and trying to redeem himself?

Oh his brother is coming to visit and the bed in his son room is to small than buy a futon and sleep in there buddy cause he hasn't earn the right to be back in her bed.

So what if he asks her to be in his music video, a free worker, this doesn't make up for how much bad stuff he's done and having hinata forgive him with little effort on his part is sad... Is this what we teaching to get a half arsed apology and not value ones self just to be in a relationship?

I'm disappointed in this story and hinata for not having self worth beyond the bare minimum.
nazarin.ramzan chapter 14 . 3/25
Waaaah such a lovely chapter. Till next time.
DAngel7 chapter 14 . 3/25
I loved this chapter, the honest open conversation that was so touching and how it teaches you you should never bottle your emotions up hoping things to go better but speak honestly and try to work together.
I am so looking for the next chapter.
I am also secretly hoping to read a little from Sasuke's perspective (if you have any plans for that)
DAngel7 chapter 13 . 3/25
I was getting so excited about this moment too.. and then BAM Hanabi barges in haha it is as frustrating as funny.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Hope you stay safe too.

P.S. the only good thing about this whole crazy situation with COVID-19 is that authors have more time to write and update.
2plygal chapter 13 . 3/25
Happy to see an update on this story!
Great timing Hanabi! Lol!
I hope Hinata and Sasuke can finally admit what they are feeling for each other!
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