Reviews for I Knew This Would Happen
mumphie chapter 1 . 7/19
Huh. Great idea for a beginning, but what will come next?
SapphireAsashi chapter 1 . 6/24
Tummy? What are you fucking four?
Ann Jinn chapter 1 . 3/14
I can see Dumbledore doing that. The Weasleys trying to cash in on anything g too.
Right What Is Wrong chapter 1 . 1/5
Pity this isn't continued. That said, at least Harry has company for his break-out.
Monster King chapter 1 . 4/13/2019
Great job
Guest chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
Provided that they're now thinking clearly again and that Kreature survived the war, than they coukt utilize him to retrieve their wands and those of the professors.

After that?

Well.. Considering they want him to be Dark..

Why not teach them to be careful what you wish for.. You just might get it..

Patronus to chase off the Dementors, after that shoot to kill.

Which would include paying the Burrow a visit, putting up anti-apparition and portkey wards. Maybe something to mess up the floor.

Then lock down all the exits and burn baby burn. Even with flame freezing and bubblehead charms, that's gonna do some damage.

After that be disillusioned or under the Invisibility Cloak and await who gets out, only to curse them down.

Once the Weasleys there are gone, then Shell Cottage is next, with Fleur needing to be checked for potions and spells,,while Bill needs a case of getting killed, as the expression is, if I'm not mistaken.

After that?

They've lived in a tent before, but this time they can get proper supplies and start hunting down all those who served either the Dark Lord or the supposed Light One. Maybe drop off a declaration of Blood Feud at the Daily Prophet to make everything "legal".

As for the Gobbo's
Not sure if GB has any chemical or biological weapon stashes, but if they do, introduce the pikers to the wonders of modern warfare.

Once gone, clear out the Potter and Black Vaults. Maybe enchant a few more bags and trunks to be like Hermione's beaded bag in order to pull that off.

Maybe also claim the vaults of the ones slain, under the right of conquest.

End result?
They all should've paid heed to the Hogwarts Motto and not tickled the sleeping dragon, that is Harry's wrath.

Because with the Leadership/Elite dead and their money gone, the BWW will crumble and fall apart.

And after all that?

If Hermione can't get her parents back?

Retire to Black Island with her, Luna and Fleur and see to it,,that the family lines are replenished.


Just a thought, mind you.
Write what you want.

Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Harry and Hermione hooking up, for once in your stories, and her kiyakty being with him alone.
Skyeleaf1956 chapter 1 . 8/20/2018
Interesting...where will this little plot take us? You truly have many plots and I enjoy them all. Hope all is well and I hope to see you continue many of the stories you have began. I look forward to a wild ride.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
Profile update required to know you are well and that real life is keeping you busy
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
You are missing again. Hope you are fine! And you still aren't completing your stories!
MadMadMaud chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
Wow. You really don't like Dumbledore, do you?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
Well what happened? Peeves the computer crashed or you fallen sick again?
BeepKeeper chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Good start. Interested to see where Harry and Herm go from here
TechnoGalen chapter 1 . 6/6/2018
Don't write again jacka**.
bkerrmom1 chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
Oooh I love this storyline and incredible beginning!
GBTtown chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Wow, actually didn't see that coming! I don't remember ever reading a Hermione in Azkaban story.
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