Reviews for Old Wounds
lalalei chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
This is a really neat story idea! I don't think I've ever read a story about Sonic's old band before, and the characterization and description was superb! Keep up the awesome work! :)
Aquila E. Hawke chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
This is simply brilliant. Such good writing and careful attention to detail, it’s a joy to read! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Zoggerific chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
Don't mean to intrude, but I think this mystery story is shaping up just fine with Tails as lead investigator following the trail of his hero.

Hope you continue working on thke since this seems like too good a setup to go to waste.
benignmilitancy chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
One of the things I love about your writing, and this story in particular, is the excruciating attention you pay to small details. The details you include make your stories take on a very palpable, very real presence. I could easily picture the diamond-mine cave where Sonic was hiding. Tails' own "cave" sounds like a good percentage of basements I've seen in my own life (my dad is an antique dealer, and believe you me, I've stood in MANY a junk-filled "cave").

The milk crate full of cassette tapes was my favorite part, because of the cleverness of the name "Primary Colors" and the Mobius Records logo-reminds me of Def Jam-and also because there's a certain nostalgic curiosity to finding old music tapes in the basement.

There were charming touches here and there as well-mostly in the form of Tails' inner monologue, his berating himself for thinking too much, and his "evil laughter" moment made me smile. It must be pretty thrilling to play hide-and-seek with a supersonic hedgehog.

Sonic has been acting rather odd and evasive in this. At first I sort of thought he would open up about his past, which, judging by the fic's title and summary, I assumed may not be a particularly good one, but you did a particularly delightful subversion where you kept it a mystery till the very end. I LOOOOVE the open-ended... ending (excuse the redundancy xp) of this chapter, where it cuts off JUST as Sonic finds Tails with the cassettes. If you ever update this story, I'd love to see Sonic's reaction to Tails' discovery and the story behind it!
Leolu chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
This was a joy to read! Can't wait for chapter two!
karygarcia21 chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
I love your fic, i will wait the next chapter