Reviews for Doki Doki Literature Club!: Crossing the Boundary
Just another MC chapter 10 . 8/22
Sorry if i post a rewiew this late and for my bad english ahah...anyway i just wanted to say that this amazing story was fantastic i really admire all of you authors that take your time to create a great experience for us readers.
In conclusion i just wanted to say that this story was really breathtaking and immersive it really keep me up literally(i m writing this a 2AM) and the ending was something that touched me deeply.
So... great work and i hope you read this :).
Libra chapter 10 . 8/5
Oh god, now I'm crying for our player because of tragic death. If only I could be there to comfort him.
If you're asking who is the player is. Idk ._. Yuu is basically a reincarnation of our protagonist. Sure he doesn't exist but in chapter 2, it said he and Monika were lovers in her world.
Red chapter 10 . 7/20
I...I don't know what to say!
The story was so captivating and realistic
And I liked the setup for Yuu being a ghost and only Monika being able to see him!
And now that I'm thinking about it it matches the theme of fan fics.
That sometimes the stories become so realistic that you don't want them to end but in reality it has to end
Because it's not a complete story if you don't end it.

To be honest I want to see a sequel where Monika tries her hardest to bring him back but created a copy that doesn't feel the same.
So that Monika can learn that all good things end. And even if you can remember end will always comes. This was the story of moving on and finding your own people from the past act as a way to keep going.

So good job!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
this is cute -
DarkHazen chapter 10 . 4/25
Woah... I was expecting something but not this twist ending! Or is it really the end? Cause I wonder if there might be a continuation to this fic. It's really good! Kudos to you for this fic! :D
ndnddjdjsfdf chapter 10 . 4/25
It was great I loved the story but I have a question do you plan on making a sequel or just plain out expanding it. Because I would love to see the full story complete.
DarkHazen chapter 8 . 4/19
Once again, you outdid yourself! I love this chapter! Kudos! :D
DarkHazen chapter 7 . 4/10
I almost had a heart attack in this chapter! Thanks goodness that Yuu didn't die! Amazing chapter! Kudos!
Rung69 chapter 1 . 4/10
Love you're story
DarkHazen chapter 6 . 4/6
Another great chapter! Loved reading it very much! Kudos!
DarkHazen chapter 5 . 3/23
You did it again, 0bi! This chapter is really great! Can't wait to see what happens next! Kudos!
DarkHazen chapter 4 . 2/20
I think that this chapter is your greatest one yet! It's really beautifully written! Kudos!
DarkHazen chapter 3 . 1/23
I like this. Really, it's a good fic! No complaints on my side! Kudos!
KitCat0922 chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Perhaps... this is something that you should do more often.

I know how it feels to have such a heart wrenching story as such, but pehaps you could add something more... dramatic? I don't know and I can't look for a word but something a little bit more darker and more intense short story (one-shot) is something I personally need. Something that could REALLY make me, or someone like me, cry. Maybe something that deals with an inevitable love that couldn't be accepted by the masses or something like that.

But with all those things said, I am glad that I have found such story like this. A story not focusing on senseless and short plot but something that had dived deeper into the hearts of readers and struck them with needles in which were healed by a comedy (happy) ending.
Felix Barnes chapter 1 . 8/20/2018
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