Reviews for Mortal Coil
Latoddie21 chapter 8 . 7/19
I finally found Mortal coil again because my phone had a virius and I just got another phone but anyway I just remembered the name of the book and I still love it but I was hoping that you could update on it when you get a chance please and thank you
Ghouly-Girl chapter 8 . 6/8
This is amazing, stumbled on it by accident and binge read it in a day. I know it’s been a while since you updated this one, but I know your still writing due to the story that originally lead me to your writing. So I still hold hope your muse for this one will rear it’s head back up at some point in the future. Hopefully soonish since you left us with a little bit of a cliffhanger. Daryl isn’t much one to panic, but she did black out and I’m curious if he’ll call and ambulance and how she’ll explain it off.
jessmarkOMGtheydid chapter 8 . 5/24
I just discovered this wonder! I am absolutely in love with this story! A few questions: Is Carol Carol or is she just the new coat for the witch? Or is the witch really Carol now? You see ? Is Daryl scared of Carol passing out like that? (An idea: she can say she has anemia, you knows to explain why she is so exhausted.) Will the Apocalypse still happen? In 2010? Will Daryl be with Carol and Sophia? Will Merle return to Daryl's life? Does the dealer who expected the syrup make a certain blue crystal? Will Merle keep Daryl from Carol? Will Daryl discover the magic? Will other characters appear? The most important question, Why did you stop writing? Most importantly, will you continue? Please please please please continue! I do not believe that only 8 chapters were enough to arouse such curiosity in Me! Now I need to know what will happen in this universe! (for me each fic is a small parallel universe, yes i am a little crazy!) please come back! It's horrible when I find such good stories abandoned! Don't abandon your readers! there is another fanfiction that calls "nobody's bride", an AU No ZA, wonderful, super suffered that Carol is a prostitute and Daryl is a New Rich, involves the sober world of human trafficking, I habe knots in my stomach just thinking ! It is unfinished and I am very sad about it! I just need to see what's going to happen, to see Daryl help Carol out of misery ... anyway! Just an example of how sad it is for good stories to be abandoned! Please come back! I love your story and would love to read more!
ortizmercy62 chapter 8 . 5/8
Update please
Terri Hooker chapter 8 . 4/25
I just found this story and I really love it. Really hoping that you haven't given up on this story. Just wanted to let you know how wonderful it is.
Sky318 chapter 8 . 1/23
Oh, I love it. Please I need more. I like it all your historys
owlzilla chapter 8 . 10/9/2019
So happy to see a new chapter of this! It’s weird how soothing it is to read her preparations for the worst case scenario. Every time she gets something else taken care of I relax just a little more. Someone needs to get poor Daryl a new coat!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/5/2019
Thank you for the updat.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/5/2019
Liking this story. Thank you.
Bluebox86 chapter 8 . 9/30/2019
Great new chapter. Is Carol able to recharge her powers or is she running out of magic? Is Daryl going to go into over protective mode now that Carol passed out in front of him? I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
melanie.rowandwhite chapter 8 . 9/29/2019
Great chapter!
JanusGodOfPossibilities chapter 8 . 9/27/2019
Excellent chapter. 4,000/10

"She had initially wanted to use magic for important things rather than just making her life easier. However, it was way too alluring to use right now, especially since they were just starting. She'd try giving restraint another go later."

Is magic like a muscle in this? The more often you use it the more it grows?

If she has more kids in the future, will that increase the amount of magic she and they can call upon?

Does Sophia have magic?
Crezir chapter 8 . 9/27/2019
I’m so glad that you finally updated this book
Luthien Faye chapter 8 . 9/26/2019
I have to say that I am so beyond happy about this update! Thank you so much for keeping it going :)

I keep seeing more and more of Carol's past life popping up, she will definitely be prepared for the outbreak at this rate... so long as she doesn't magically exhaust herself first. I'm kinda curious as to how Daryl is going to take her little fainting spell, also how he would react to Carol spilling the beans so to speak about her past and the magic.

I'm definitely fond of the name Bogart for a male dog... it's a name I'm planning on using for my next pet. I also like Sid and Nancy or Bonnie and Clyde for a pair if you happen to lean that way.

Thank you so much for writing,
xoxo ~Faye
celia azul chapter 8 . 9/25/2019
Great chapter I love this story. I hope he doesn't call 911.
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