Reviews for Smol Boy
Marvel fiction chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
Brilliant story! Loved it from start to finish! Lots of fluff and comedy which is always welcome!
FunkyDipShit chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
I feel even worse for being tall af at 14 (I'm 6'2)
Reesesracer chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
This is a great story to brighten the mood, and your ending note story sounds interesting
LJKN808-H1 chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
At the end I laughed at it. You sir or madam has deserved a follow
Darth Sicarius chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
5'5 isn’t that short as a guy who is 5'2 I feel like I have to say it. Otherwise I enjoyed the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/2/2018
5'5" isnt short thats average hright for a 17-18 year old
Kerlongsj Evert Orlejov chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
Indeed weird but cute. As a guy around 6 feet or 185 cm, maybe you should put that as comparison because there are some of us out here, who don't measure in feet and inches and it's a pain to look it up, I don't think I can understand Jaune's pain. Being tall isn't that great either. But hey, Jaune at least got a girlfriend ready to hit the shit out of everyone who would look down on her partner.

As for RWBY, got what they deserved. They did.
WonderDildo chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
I'm gonna need more of this story. As a manlet, this is like my dream written down.
rock person chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
Guest is kkkob in disguise
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
No worries, I vent and you learn to deal with criticism, we both benefit. Yeah I'm a virgin, your point? I ain't gonna fool around with some guy just for a meaningless and short-lived "fun" time. Exaggerated humour? Beats me how this is even humour and how it could even be taken seriously.

In any event, bottom line is yeah, this story pissed me off. Am I sorry? No, I stand by what I said. Am I just having a bitchy moment on a bad day? No, I'm having a ordinary couple of days and I got pissed off naturally. What's my point in replying or doing a overly critical review? To provide a more accurate representation as to what readers feel for the story. You got how I felt about it, so really do whatever you want on taking on board my comments or discarding them. If you want to develop as an author with a wider audience, this is what one of them did not enjoy about it. If you want to develop as an author with your current audience, then discard this comment and focus on your primary targets. Neither choice is wrong but you'll get backlash and disappointment as a potential consequence in varying degrees depending on your writing.

Certainly fooled me if this was satire, but if that's the point of the story, then at least you know it worked on one asshat. Where is the fucking ridicule to make this satire? It's exaggeration to the point of stupidity, it carries no underlining message or construct beyond this.

Can't say I won't bother you again with critical comments but will try not to, but when I see that cover photo I think 'what the hell' and when I read the description and skim through a story like this, I get pissed off and I'm gonna criticise again if my gut instincts call for it. I'll try not like I said, but I will try to keep out of your hair from now on.
Aloehisja chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
I'll just add in some jokes missed in this:
- Nora: You're a honey badger, Jaune! They take what they want and they don't give a fuck!
- Pyrrha: He's seventeen, officer! I swear!
- Yang: Don't be hating guys. He's fun sized. No need to kneel when he's down exploring your -GRBH!
- Blake: So he's like a legal shota? Lucky Pyrrha.
- Pyrrha: He's 'smol' in height but big in surprises.
- Yang: So he's like a little gift… with a big package.

And before others PM me or something for being mean, I'm 5'1. Lots of us have heard these jokes/taunts before.
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
Absolutely epic, i loved every moment. And i would love thath Au(since Achille's mother was in fact a sea godess), tough i would advice you to finish first your other stories and don't put Grimm, at most animals with Aura. And in thath regard i advice you also 'Silver Eyed Blood', a story i'm work.
Engineer1869 chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
Very cute and enjoyable to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
5’7” guy here, and I’m disappointed the guy below me doesn’t know what satire is, but I found it enjoyable, good job :)
Moist Mail Man chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
And also this story was exaggerated humor. So it's not supposed to be taken seriously. Have a nice day.
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