Reviews for Re:Zero A New Crusade
AnimeLord127 chapter 35 . 9/26
I expect a proper Monty Python reference when Ulric kills the rabbits.
Fluffy Snake chapter 35 . 9/26
A British Knight flees from & dies to rabbits, and not a single reference?
Buggy chapter 36 . 9/25
The way he repeatedly says Sir Ulric is so overused that it's bordering on cringe.
Secondly, this is just a repeat of what Subaru has gone through. There's literally no different message.
Don't you have better things to do instead of writing a repeat of canon but with a knight that does the exact same actions as Subaru, while receiving the exact same lines from canon characters as Subaru?
deltadragon373 chapter 11 . 9/25
This is just a personal opinion, but I dislike the Penalties for Return By Death. I mean, what even is the point of telling anyone about your ability if no one remembers you saying it if you do die. I just don't understand. I'm not going to stop reading this story though. All I wanted was toshare an opinion.
danila.fedakov.02 chapter 36 . 9/25
Cool head Ulric met Typhon Minerva and Daphne. Met the one that brought him to this world but will he meet Garfiel who in the original saved Subaru from Satella.
theweird1234 chapter 36 . 9/24
I finally caught up. Gosh darn life, not letting me read these chapters as they come out.

Oh boy I love this story, I haven't watch the anime yet so everything that is happening is a plot twist. I really do love your writing.

Keep it up!
superpierce chapter 36 . 9/24
seriously what attracted her to him I mean even Subaru doesn't know why she "loves him".
gabrielchiong11 chapter 36 . 9/24
And so, with certain doom in mind, our dear Sir Ulric of Camp Emilia hath decided to face the Witch of Envy who hath devoured a portion of the world. What would our foolish knight do to prevail against what seemeth to be a natural disaster? Would he live or be devoured by her "love"? find out.

-gabrielchiong11, self-proclaimed narrator.

PS: So hyped for next week's episode!
Starlord Master chapter 36 . 9/24
Knights tend to be self-righteous.
L33t Horo chapter 36 . 9/24
great chapter, but the cliffhanger was kindaof a dick move XD
R.E.W. 4 chapter 34 . 9/24
Just saw the latest episode of rezero and i gotta say wow what a cliffhanger and finally getting some insight and implications on how return by death works. the way im seeing it is that its basically multiverse theory, it isnt rewinding time at all but instead the soul is being teleported to a different version of himself in a completely different timeline, leaving the timeline that he died in behind but the timeline that he died in still goes on, thats actually pretty devestating if you think about it. especially after i got done rereading the story and seeing the different ways how Ulric died during the story. I cant wait for Ulric to find out that revelation, its going to be soul crushing for him.
R.E.W. 4 chapter 35 . 9/22
Easily one of the worst ways to die, Eaten alive by killer bunnies, seeing that episode nearly scarred me for life, Ulric defiantly had it easy then Subaru, cause in the light Novel they go really into detail how the rabbits were eating him alive not just from the outside but inside of him as well, and the worst part, he was conscious through the whole ordeal until the rabbits finally cracked open his skull and ate his Mind.
Tall-Gothic-Guy chapter 35 . 9/20
Just once, i wanna see the man become the juggernaut. his light magic enhances his strength, and i wanna see him wreck the mansion apart by crashing through walls with his face and failing to realize what he's done since he's busy trying to kill a psycho.
Starlord Master chapter 35 . 9/20
Such charming dialogue.
SaveTheWeak chapter 35 . 9/19
Ulric and Elsa fighting together for survival, ironically poetic
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