Reviews for Daydrinks in Paris
Izzy chapter 27 . 6/11
My quarantine heart needed this fic! Thank you for the update on this lovely story. Hope you have been well!
jacpin2002 chapter 27 . 6/6
Yeah! You're back! Hope all is well.

Go get your woman, Sasori! chapter 27 . 6/5
I’m so happy this is updating again! I can’t tell you how bad I missed this story. I’m so excited to see where this all takes us but I’m ready!
fcscribbler chapter 26 . 7/30/2019
Honestly got interested in the beginning of this fanfic, and it even had me hooked on the Sasori-Sakura ship despite the obviously not-so-healthy connection they had going on. But with so many plot meltdowns with the latter half of the story, the entire thing has honestly become so confusing already and not in a good way. Sasori, and then Itachi (whose arc resolution really felt rushed like oh-wait-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-Itachi-anymore-let's-just-pair-him-up-with-someone-else-over-a-few-paragraphs), and now comes another man, Kakashi who seemingly is about to bring another emotional storm. I was hopeful at first when the plot is seemingly leading to Sakura finally picking herself up and really focusing on herself, but now, it just feels like the author is simply throwing one angst fest after another for the heck of it, romanticizing real life struggles a little bit too much. In fact, whatever happened to their child? Is Sakura not even being active as a mother now? I feel like it's a loose end that has just been forgotten, in fact, I'm not even sure anymore if Sakura actually had a child in this fanfic. That's just how muddled this entire plot shenanigan has become. Technicality-wise, you're really great. But plotwise, there's a lot of room for improvement. Not all great stories need one angst on top of another. Or at least, wrap one thing up before moving on to another. chapter 26 . 7/29/2019
jacpin2002 chapter 26 . 7/28/2019
You write an excellent chapter. It just sucks cause I was shipping Sasosaku so hard. I'm still holding out for a happy ending with them.
Red Reaper88 chapter 26 . 7/28/2019
LOVE IT. Cant wait for book 2
NicoleTsukiyomi chapter 25 . 6/13/2019
Wow, what a twist! I didn’t expect this new ship, but that’s not a bad thing. Maybe it’s because I’m biased and like the pairing of Kakashi and Sakura, but I’m not against this new development. I can’t wait for the next chapter and book two.
Nikki Root chapter 25 . 6/13/2019
I was hoping for Itasaku, but I'm definitely jumping on the Kakasaku train!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/13/2019
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! I’ve got my first class tickets ready for the kakasaku ship! All aboard!
jacpin2002 chapter 25 . 6/13/2019
Wow...this was such a great story. Gave me all kinds of feels. I'm still Sasosaku for life, so I'm hoping that they are endgame.

I do have a couple of questions...Do you have an OTP for the Naruto fandom? Is there a specific Sakura ship that you don't like?

Looking forward to the next chapter in this story. Well done. chapter 25 . 6/12/2019
HOLY. FUCKING. CRAP. A KAKASAKU THROWN IN HERE?! Wow. You really know how to pull ALL of my heartstrings. But dang! A same-age KakaSaku in here? Wait. Is it same age? I’m so excited that there’s going to be more of this! I’m dead scared/nervous with Kaito still not knowing Sakura is her real mom.
Red Reaper88 chapter 25 . 6/12/2019
Love it! chapter 24 . 6/6/2019
Oh gosh. I’m a mess! How the heck is everything happening?!
Red Reaper88 chapter 24 . 6/5/2019
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