Reviews for Exposed
Louise M Frost chapter 39 . 22h
Look forward to reading more
My Eyez Are Watching Everyone chapter 39 . 7/2
love this story please continue to update.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 1 . 5/20
Why are Bella and Jacob best friends if Edward never left Bella? Bella only got close to Jacob after Edward was gone... so that's a major plot hole. Also, Sam and Bella already kinda met once. When Bella goes to the beach with friends from school at the beginning of Twilight and hears the Quileute legends from Jacob, Sam is at the beach too. Wouldn't the imprint have happened then?
Taranakya chapter 39 . 5/20
J'aime vraiment beaucoup votre histoire, j'espère lire rapidement la suite. Prenez soin de vous en ces temps difficiles.
sabstrat chapter 39 . 4/27
I just read all chapters up till now in a row and I gotta say, I am now invested! So I hope you update soon, looking forward to Bella and Sam’s week on the island.
brankel1 chapter 39 . 4/27
B4bidden chapter 39 . 4/27
Thx for the update. Love how Bella stood up to Sam at the end.
Guest chapter 39 . 4/27
calorraine chapter 39 . 4/26
This was a wonderful update! I loved how well the two of them worked together to get to the island. You could tell by Bella’s actions just how much she loved and respected Sam.
Hstevens chapter 39 . 4/26
Waiting patiently for more ;)
angel897 chapter 39 . 4/26
enjoyable to read, excited to read what happens next and how she will change.
tdetwilightlover chapter 38 . 4/26
Hoping all is well with youI can’t wait to read the next chapter and see where this goes!
WorldTravelGirl chapter 38 . 4/21
Really enjoying this story. Can’t wait to see what happens at James Island.
eva505 chapter 38 . 4/2
This is such a good story. Best wishes to you as well
Vane3131 chapter 38 . 3/31
I’m so sorry about your fiancé lay off. I hope all this madness ends soon so we can go back to our lives. It’s hitting us all pretty hard. I will pray and send good vibes. Good chapter . I do love Sam and Bella. Emily and Paul need to get over themselves lol
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