Reviews for Roles Reversed
TheDragon15 chapter 42 . 7/9
I've put your story on TV tropes. Congratulations, your story is the first one on the fanfic rec!... also pls continue.
TheDragon15 chapter 42 . 6/24
so... wen next chapter? (hey if you want a coauthor) I'm happy to take up the role)
Shel21 chapter 3 . 6/20
I really really like this, it's so refreshing and new:)
raphy.ilusorio chapter 42 . 4/4
Can I just say... I spent 20hrs reading this fanfic. I love Camren as Selina and the characters here are just amazing (I also read your night of one shot fics and I love them) but this is the first time I actually decided to make an account and read fics. This is just amazing and I'm excited to see how it ends :
angelamorales514 chapter 42 . 3/30
So glad to see an update, I’ve been missing this story big time. Thank goodness Bruce is alive, Jean too, it’s just too bad that it was Ra’s who was the one to bring Bruce back. He’s now basically manipulating him into doing exactly what he wants. Same with Selina, she’s being manipulated as well. Hopefully they can reunite and figure that out together. I’m worried that one of them will break it off when all of that over though, and say that they shouldn’t be together because people will use that against them.
Firezz chapter 42 . 3/30
Yayyy! Thanks for updating:)
PastaShark000 chapter 42 . 3/30
Yes yes yes! An update! Also, I was right about the Lazarus pit! And why must you do this whole opposing parties with the boy and girl protagonist’s caught on the opposite side. It’s not unoriginal but I know it’s gonna cause a rift cause that’s how GOTHAM works! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
angelamorales514 chapter 41 . 1/29
You have no idea how happy I was to see an update, gosh I miss this story.

I’m glad that Bruce and Selina could get away but now they’re all separated. And Bruce apparently just DIED
Firezz chapter 41 . 1/29
YES! You updated! Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/28
Guest chapter 41 . 1/28
Zenny01 chapter 41 . 1/28
This is so freaking good! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
PastaShark000 chapter 41 . 1/28
The King is back!

None the less with avery sad) but beautifully constructed chapter.

Also. Hugo Strange reincarnation is how he’s gonna come back. Or this was a dream/ trance/ other.

The predictable guest. Now with an account!
PastaShark000 chapter 40 . 1/14
As I said before, you artistic fool, no matter how godlike your writing is you messed up! We know it ends in a happily ever after! I mean, there’d be a fing riot if it didn’t but still, it’s nice to know.
Guest chapter 40 . 1/9
I don't like spamming because I'm pretty sure finals are coming up in a month or two for college kids, so you're probably cramming. So don't update until after finals. Assuming your in school that is, we can go another month without rr, you however... finals are sort of necessary. Again, assuming your in school/ university.

Love your fics, still here!

The "predicting" guest.
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