Reviews for James Harem 2
Guest chapter 51 . 5/23
Oi man. When the you going to update James Harem 2. Been waiting for long time now.
Exodia3215 chapter 51 . 3/8
Awesome story so far! Hope you can update soon!
Samengelage11 chapter 51 . 2/17
Would you do a mini story based on this last arc?
Guest chapter 51 . 2/2
Yes please do Atomix I love that nuclear alien and his ever so iconic speech
AlienTokusatsuDuelistMangaGeek chapter 51 . 2/2
Hey there. Do you have a idea for James' version of Ultimate Upgrade? If not, what do you think of using a Ex-Aid reference?
B.E.A.T.N chapter 51 . 2/2
I'm pretty sure you guys have been asked this before, but, would you ever consider doing the Trouble in Tokyo plotline? Like, half of the team stay in the city, while James, Kori, Kom, Gar, Vic, Dick, Duels and Raven head off to Tokyo?
Just asking. Anyway, I look forward to whatever comes next. These harem sagas starting with Ben, and continuing with Krystal and James have been amazing.
With that said, when can we expect an update on Krystal's Harem?
Yo-yo-yo chapter 51 . 2/1
What if Krystal and her siblings managed to revive the child that reaper murdered?
God of the Challenge chapter 51 . 2/1
Ya know, I have a fan theory about why BB gets nervous around Raven.

It's there powers.

I mean, Beast Boy turns into animals. And according to "The Haunted", animals get nervous around the supernatural.

And what are Raven's powers?

Supernatural abilities.
Kamen Rider Fan 12 chapter 51 . 2/1
I genuinely forgot that was the case with Perfect Clockwork, my bad. Though I knew they were references,
I just wasn’t sure how to word it at the time so I went with ‘based on’, so, again, my bad. Also, sorry again for the bad pun. That said, I wanted to say that the fics I’ve read from you guys are some of my favorites on this site, and I hope you guys continue making awesome fics.
Guest chapter 50 . 1/30
Hey, I love the Tennyson Harem saga! And I have a few ideas for your What If series for it

What If Reaper took Krystal to his world when they first met?

What if James and Albedo Jr where sent to the world's they where supposed to go to (James to Earth 3 to turn Nevermore good, and Albedo Jr to Earth 1 to turn Raven bad)?

What If the mind control cream from Krystal's second arc worked?

What If Control Freak managed trap the Titans back in part one of the series?

What If Isis met Ben when he was a kid?

What If the Incursean Invasion was a success?

What If Serena and Bellicus never rejoined with Ben during the finale of Ben's Harem?

What If Ben's Harem just kept growing?

What If James' Harem was a generic harem anime?

What If James was a girl?
Iron Mario chapter 50 . 1/29
Hey there.
Phew, things have been a bit hectic for me this few weeks but I finally managed to catch up with the story, it was kinda sad that out of everyone's future self only Kori and Kom came to help save Victor (and even then I'm guessing it was mostly their children's insistence on helping their 'Papa'), I really wanted Rose to tell Tara something along the lines "I know it probably doesn't mean much, but I took care of her".

But oh well, I'm guessing that all that happened in that timeline like Megan's death, Cass' reality check along with everyone else in the future, just went "poof" after the Titans returned like future Victor implied, which actually raises the question on what happens to Rachel who's now a god-like entity who might as well exist outside of time and it's rules or not.

Now I can't wait to see if the Titans will start their efforts to avoid that future or if they'll have to face a few curveballs before preparing for Trigon, whom I always wondered how would fare against Warlock, I mean, I guess Trigon is stronger but if Warlock is supposedly the apex of their evolved species is there an actual reason for Trigon being stronger? Or just for story convenience?

Well, keep up the awesome work guys and hope you enjoy your break.
Guest chapter 50 . 1/28
Why did you decide to pair up Cassandra with Bart? It seems like such a random pairing

Also what are you doing with Red X? He hasn't appeared for a while

And what are all the pairings outside the harem?
Skullgoar chapter 50 . 1/28
Are the groups going to be getting new costumes next arc?

Will anyone else join thr harem?

What is the current harem list?

Who is your favorite antagonist so far in the James series to write for?
CONTROLFREAKRULZ chapter 50 . 1/28
Which Titans from the show did you hate?
Guest chapter 50 . 1/28

That was awesome!
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