Reviews for It Might be Nice
Nov1Z chapter 7 . 9/2/2019
All of them are amazing!
Sakuramy chapter 7 . 2/9/2019
Soooo cute I never thought of Ruby and Oscar as a couple but now I see it I ship them now
BenRG chapter 2 . 9/11/2018
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Yang will call on her mother's example and try to be intimidating. After all, there is no sense in letting Oscar get the Prize without a challenge or two, hmm?
ThomasGabrielWhite chapter 3 . 8/6/2018
I agree with your idea about Oscar and Ozpin's souls. That is how he explained it, people just weren't paying attention. Also Ozpin said he experienced what Oscar was when he was a kid, not that he experienced it hundreds of times. This shows that his mind is dominant over the previous whatever he is, so Oscar's mind will be too.
turtleyjohn chapter 6 . 6/25/2018
turtleyjohn chapter 5 . 6/25/2018
Oh my god they're so sweet... this chapter made me smile so much.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/30/2018
Uh...isn't this sort of like Ruby dating/being involved with/having children with her Professor? I know that it's not quite Ozpin...but it's close enough to be awkward when you think about it long enough. And I can't really see Ruby having children with him. They seem kind of like friends, but their relationship doesn't rub off as romantic - at least in the show. I do like your style, however; you're an excellent writer, so I'll definitely read your other stories.
freemels7 chapter 2 . 5/2/2018
That's so cute 3
G chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
Why does everyone think that Ozpin will fade away and separate from Oscar once everything is over? The way it was explained is that their souls are intertwined and will eventually merge, giving Oscar all of Oz's combined memories and wisdom. The only thing that changes once Salem is gone is that Ozpin will no longer reincarnate.