Reviews for The Only Constant
Guest chapter 17 . 2/2
This is AMAZING. Your characterization of all of them are really well done! Past and future.
HeRonLove chapter 17 . 7/20/2019
That was a good time travel fic.
HPandPJO4ever chapter 17 . 4/14/2019
This is really good!
dreamflower02 chapter 17 . 12/4/2018
A brilliant story, I love that they ended up in the future instead of the past.

While any time travel story needs a few coincidences to turn out right, the eidetic memory was just about one too many for me. However, it didn't matter enough to throw me out of the story, and the rest of it was intriguing and engaging, and beautifully in character for all your canon characters. Your OCs were great, too. Elise was a wonderful red herring.

Thank you for sharing this story.
paulaa90 chapter 17 . 11/20/2018
I loved your story and I'm sorry it's come to an end.

You can see the seeds of the future coming into play in this chapter. With Ron and helping George, and Hermione and Ron discussing her becoming Minister.

meekerprincess9778 chapter 17 . 11/16/2018
loved it
AzureAlquimista chapter 6 . 11/15/2018
Tired to see Ron used as the group's buffoon...
Rusty Thebanite chapter 17 . 11/14/2018
Well done!
paulaa90 chapter 16 . 9/21/2018
It was nice of older Harry to explain that the Delia of the past is not the one of the future. She hasn't done anything wrong.

But what I really liked about this chapter was Ginny and Ron finding out that they made it, especially Ron knowing how much he helped George.

paulaa90 chapter 15 . 9/21/2018
Well I was glad to see that Elise made thru her ordeal well enough, and was still able to save Ginny and the younger set from being poisoned.

And now that they have captured Delia, everyone can go back.

Rusty Thebanite chapter 16 . 9/18/2018
I honestly didn't expect the story to be as short as it will be, but you built it perfectly. :)
James Birdsong chapter 16 . 9/18/2018
LGBTGirl chapter 16 . 9/18/2018
I read the story throughout and it’s interesting but the way you use the time travel element is very cliche. I could pick out load of different stories focused on Time Travel that are very similar to this one in plot and in writing style.

Way too much dialogue. It’s unneeded and repetitive. Pretty much every paragraph (short or large)and line has dialogue in it. Find more interesting or subtle ways to say something other than characters to blurt it out. It engages the reader more than scrolling through endless dialouge.

The way you write is engaging however don’t get me wrong! I’m just offering some constructive criticism and take it as you may...

elmbell chapter 1 . 8/14/2018
Enjoyed this new take on a time travel story looking forward to see the end
paulaa90 chapter 14 . 8/10/2018
As smart as those kids were at getting out of Hogwarts, why would they let Hugo go off alone to find the metronome? It makes no sense, their not even sure that Delia has left the house?!

So if Delia got away, and when the kids return home what is going to happen to her younger self?

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