Reviews for Wreckage
Romana973 chapter 26 . 3/7
Thanks for a great chapter!
We’re praying for you and sending good thoughts your way. We’ll patiently wait for any updates whenever you have time. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Rita01tx chapter 26 . 2/8
Clearly, Edward and Bella are better together than they are apart...glad to see Edward accept that truth!
Luvntwilight chapter 26 . 2/6
Thanks so much for updating
lwig chapter 26 . 2/6
Great chapter! Take care of yourself.
lwig chapter 21 . 2/6
Love this story!
grandmachix chapter 26 . 2/5
I worried that when I reached this point, I would fret that another chapter was not available. But I know that Real Life can sometimes be a bear. Do what needs to be done and come back to us refreshed and eager to write again. You actually left this at a good place. Hopeful and looking forward. Thank you.
grandmachix chapter 12 . 2/5
I can't comment each chapter. It's like I'm holding my breath for the next revelation. What will I do when I catch up and have to actually wait for the next one?
grandmachix chapter 9 . 2/5
I usually don't care for short drabble stories. But this is different. It's like stanzas of a sad song or poem. Sad but beautiful in its own way.
Rebadams7 chapter 26 . 2/5
Do you have painted a beautiful point of that turning of that moment literally were do you know that this person is for you and you are for them
May the muses be kind and me time and family help you on your journey of grief
debslmac chapter 26 . 2/4
I'm sorry for all your losses. Thank you for updating
Guest chapter 26 . 2/4
That was beautiful. I’m pretty pessimistic and cyclical myself so I can see why Edward would be so bitter.
Cullenosopy chapter 26 . 2/4
Thank you for the new chapter and explanation of the unhappy and horrible real life occurrences that you and your family have endured.

I'm looking forward to your return to writing!

Thanks again and hang in there!
2muchtrouble chapter 26 . 2/4
Just caught up with all the chapters and I'm impressed with your writing.
Ticcing Bat chapter 24 . 2/6/2019
I hope you find your muse x
Sara aka Nikki Black chapter 22 . 8/20/2018
Poor Bella, she is afraid to get her hopes up in case they come crashing down.
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