Reviews for Different DxD Retold (I have Permission from the original author)
eprince200 chapter 3 . 7/26
how does he have a scared gear if he isnt human
marquis.shax chapter 3 . 5/24
not that it matters at all but I'm a bit curious about something. Isn't Sirzech's Knight the one that trained Kiba supposed to be the strongest? I thought Sirzechs supposedly had all the strongest pieces for his peerage in canon? As I said it doesn't matter in terms of this story after all they never did reveal whether Sera had any peerage members or not yet here you've made her with a full set lol
ralphwillis26 chapter 39 . 5/20
please update
lancelambomatg chapter 39 . 5/2
When u can do another chapter cut u good at this
darkthanatos chapter 25 . 4/13
I'm sorry but when I think of them using smash as a rivalry replacement all i can see is issei and Cali in a room surrounded by the others and they start arguing about something and issei goes "you wanna fightBOSST) and Cali saysyou get i do you're going downDIVIDE) auras flaring and room shaking both start to reach into their bags and then suddenly whip out a 3d's each and they both say "SMASH!"
And everyone else face faults
Stephen chapter 39 . 1/1
Please What Happened After That And Please Update The Story Soon.
Stephen chapter 39 . 12/27/2019
What Happened After That And Please Update The Story Soon.
ralphwillis26 chapter 39 . 12/23/2019
please update
marquis.shax chapter 20 . 12/10/2019
I'm curious about something. I know in cannon Grayfia is said to be only slightly below Serafall in terms of power so do you think that Grayfia could potentially defeat Kokabiel on her own? I honestly think the only two of the mao that could probably defeat him 1 vs 1 would be Sirzechs or Ajuka as they're more powerful than your average ultimate class since they're both in the extremely rare Super Devil class
marquis.shax chapter 10 . 12/10/2019
you're missing two members of Sona's peerage although I'm guessing you replaced Saji with Shin to make it easier on yourself to pair Issei with Sona since if Saji was around you'd have to write in his jealousy over their relationship lol. The one who's missing that makes no sense to why you don't have is Tsubasa who is also one of Sona's Rooks
Poseidon3000 chapter 39 . 11/24/2019
good fic
EquippedSword99 chapter 26 . 9/23/2019
EquippedSword99 chapter 18 . 9/17/2019
the boost scaling is way off tho. nobody can get it right tbh
spitfyre1 chapter 39 . 9/16/2019
Nice, looking forward to more
dantezess chapter 15 . 9/13/2019
That was kind of anti-climatic Riser was supposed to be this Scummy un-redeemable POS that pissed off canon issei so much by treating Rias like a piece of meat that he sacrificed his left arm to gain his balance breaker all to beat Riser but here you have him as "maybe" arrogant and it looks like you're trying to make him likeable *gags*. I hope that you don't do this for other major enemies otherwise it'll take all of the OOMPH out of the conflict.
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