Reviews for Bakusquad Skype
Galaxy diamond chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
catspats31 chapter 1 . 4/15/2018
Dare #1 for Eijiro: Tell the author that the following part of the Content Guidelines is broken:

Entries not allowed:
6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.

Dare #2 for Eijiro: Help the author accept the following suggestion to fix this story so that it doesn't break the site rules:
"Only use requests sent by PM. Please use dialogue similar to: "I loved you, Katsuki!" Eijiro said. Add some description and detail behind what's going on. The admins frown upon stories in chat/script format because it erases all of the artistic choice and technical skill from writing and reduces it strictly to events without any sort of prose or emotion. It shows they're more impressed by what rather than how, and how is the most important part of any creative endeavor.
Please note that the rule against interactive entries as stories is in place because the story page isn't rightly set up to do interactivity. In a forum, one can ask and respond to the original post as many times as one feels like and go off on different tangents, editing and adding more info as necessary, but in a review, you get one shot per chapter per penname to give all the info and feedback and get it right, then you're down to PMs that no one else can see. That kind of ruins the interactive portion. Therefore, this site keeps interactive fics to forums where they can truly be interactive."
Shioe chapter 1 . 4/11/2018
Aaah Katchan is so cute .