Reviews for Squib Guardian
Guest chapter 3 . 11/4/2018
ohhh this was brilliant! i'm loving all these adventures around hogwarts that argus is experiencing
KW Jordan chapter 3 . 4/28/2018
I must confess, I've never cared much for the character of Filch, or given much thought to him, but this series has given me second thoughts. I would very much so enjoy reading further adventures with him.
cimmer chapter 3 . 12/6/2015
I've finally finished all the stories and they were wonderful. I loved watching the witches and wizards learning about Squibs right along with Filch. I loved watching Hagrid grow into his job as well; watching Filch and Hagrid become Groundskeeper and Caretaker with capital letters. I enjoyed the relationship between Snape and Filch and the romance between Minerva and Filch. I enjoyed the magic and your Lucius was deliciously evil and nuanced. I liked your Draco and Harry as well. The doors were wonderful as were the various Founders rooms, they were perfect. The kittens were a delight as was Mrs. Norris and Crookshanks. Peeves become an entity in his own right and I actually liked him, wow. lol I know you wanted to stay in the storyline set out by JKR but I would love to see how Filch and his squib magic would change the fates of those involved. Would Snape's fate be the same? How about Sirius'? Even Dumbledore's fate could be changed. What would happen to Neville's girlfriend? How would Hogwarts deal with Voldemort's people trying to take charge of the castle in the final books? What would happen with Umbridge? Even if it was AU it would be wonderful to see how your characters would change the world. Thanks for some great, great stories.
N chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
I love this series so; I first read it when it was first posted and it holds up really well upon rereading. I wished there were more stories inthis series.
Fick Chick chapter 2 . 2/6/2011
I think right after Sev admitted he was wrong & Flich was right about creating the Door would have been a good time for Filch to tell Sev he was right about Harry's Cloak.
Persephone Kore chapter 2 . 11/29/2008
That was the thing from your nightmare? The dark sky-serpent does sound terrible, but also beautiful in a dangerous way. And somehow I kind of suspect that it might not have to be told to be skeptical of Voldemort, though I suppose there's the question of whether it can be commanded or must be persuaded, and what its priorities are.
creativesm75 chapter 3 . 10/15/2008
TheWatcherandReader chapter 3 . 12/15/2007
Your Squib series are some of the best fics that I've come across on I eagerly await your next story. Keep on updating.
BajaB chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
I really enjoyed your Squib stories, but I found the chapters too short and the author's notes too long. :(

Very good writing though. Well done.
Fizzing Whizbee chapter 2 . 1/4/2007
Snape just reminds me of a big kitten. He hisses, he ought to purr, and he's too damn curious.
Katy chapter 3 . 2/14/2006
Fantastic set of stories - would be good to see them continue
Amican chapter 3 . 3/1/2005
I read and loved this entire saga. The only sad part is that it's been nearly two years since you finished this one and there haven't been any more. While I can hardly call the series "cut short" at only 16 stories, I'll certainly be happy to read anything else you put up.
Larania chapter 3 . 12/27/2004
You know, I still come back and read these stories. I think you probably get disappointed in how Rowling portrayed Filch... I think you do an excellent job with the Rowling style and I think you should continue, if you would want to. Thanks for all your writing.
duj chapter 3 . 4/26/2004
Very short (but good) bridge story. I think Harry would make a good Warden.
Demona169 chapter 4 . 5/9/2003
AH! Please keep writting.! Oh It's great!
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