Reviews for She Was Worth It
Phantom Actress chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Thus was amazing!
LP chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
LucyCrewe11 chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
Such a good one shot! I was hoping someone would write a story like this! Honestly, I was even thinking of writing something similar myself in the future but as I have limited time for fanfiction these days (and even more limited internet) I've had to narrow my Anya/Dima writing ambitions to just finishing up the multichapter AU I started about them 3 years ago for now.

Anywho, I really enjoyed this. I especially love the little details you added that weren't from the Crowd of Thousands song, such as Dima's bloody palms and people muttering about what an idiot he was to push past the guards like that.

I also liked the concept of the bit at the end with Dima learning about Anastasia's death. That said, this is also where the only thing that irked me about your otherwise wonderful one shot comes in. This part felt way too rushed and tacked on.

First off, who is Natalie to Dima? Friend? Enemy? Girlfriend of sorts? The way she's written she leaves about as much impact on the story as that girl who had one line of exposition screentime in the movie Easy A. She literally just pops in and is all "Yo Dima, your imaginary girlfriend's dead, peace out!" And I really think you can do better than that as a writer.

Second, you have already proven you're good with details, so try adding a few more next time! Don't just have Dima find out the romanovs died, have him get nasty details, maybe even some false info mashed with the truth of the massacre. This would be more realistic to a soviet Russian rumor in that time period.

You do such an amazing job writing Dima's emotional reactions, that I just wish you'd given him a little more to react TO.

That aside, good story. Adding it to my favorites.