Reviews for Expectations
Kawisdom chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
That pro-Hufflepuff speech was so resoundingly respectful that I wonder if it's your own favorite House. Interesting that both Crowley and Aziraphale sorted into the house of scholars instead, but a major reason I'd read a continuation is to find out who it was that spoke. Professor McGonagal isn't known for her speeches and I just don't see her voicing such blatant admiration for another house. Professor Sprout isn't very eloquent, she'd show pride in her house but probably in a down to earth way. I can see Snape tracking down late students but there's nary a grumble of warning to not do it again. And yet, he's the one for speeches and eloquent turns of phrase. Only, he isn't praising Slytherin. Would he admire Hufflepuff so openly?
Sehkmet chapter 1 . 6/13/2018
They're so very ... earnest. It's adorable.
It's fairly well written, and the characterizations make sense, especially since they got into a philosophical debate almost instantly