Reviews for The Power Is Yours!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/1/2018
Thank you for the entire trilogy, it really has brought what was a very dated cartoon right up to date. Your interpretation gives the Planeteer characters depth that they never had, and reminds the reader that although the problems that existed in 1991 when CP originally aired are still prevalent today, we are making progress.

It’s a real shame to see this end as it is by far the best CP fanfic on the site, and as new CP fics become fewer and further between, it’s been awesome to be able to look forward to your updates. Thank you.
Erico chapter 9 . 5/30/2018
The most touching part of the story’s conclusion, to me, is the reversal of Bligh. At the end, she has everything she would need to completely control the world, but thanks to Stumm, Gaia’s visitation, and her brush with ultimate evil, she changes. She throws it all away because it is meaningless to her. What good will it truly do to rule as queen of the world when they will topple you anyhow? What she wants is different from what she wanted. She acts as a microcosm for our entire species. When you have everything... it means nothing at all. The only things that truly matter in the long run is existence, coexistence, and harmony. With each other and with the planet. What good does it do you to say you own the world? You can’t take it with you. We’re all transitory beings. Here for a time and gone. Bligh learned at last that most valuable lesson, the higher awarenesss of social responsibility.

As we all must, and hopefully, will. The story was aptly named. The power is ours, if we only have the wherewithal to reach out, take it, and exert change. Nobody else will do it for us.

Thank you for this story, and for the entire trilogy.
Klimmatt chapter 9 . 5/29/2018
Thank you for this fantastic story.
Missgoldy chapter 8 . 5/27/2018

Geez, I don't have much more to say. No profound ramblings, just... wow. The way you describe the Planet-Force is incredible. You've taken away the gaudy mullet-wearing weirdo that results from the combination of ring power and replaced it with awe-inspiring creation. An unstoppable, unrelenting but almost intelligent fury that swallows them whole – faceless, but in a way, not. Had my heart in my mouth for the end of that chapter.

Alana. I'd consider adopting her. Damn, she's so hilarious in this. It's bittersweet that she's become the mother Linka's never had the chance to have, a gentle and constant presence in her life when all others have abandoned her. Her words to Linka about parting ways with Ivana long ago was really quite sad. In a way, giving Linka the authority to "do what she had to do."

Bligh is also intriguing in this story too. At the end of the day, she's still self-serving. She's switched sides due to the complete destruction about to be shed on Earth – this arrangement doesn't work for her. She makes no apologies or justifications. Still calculating and cold, she stands her ground with Zarm and seems unafraid of him.

I wonder if the other gauntlets can be saved; if they can be brought back to their previous identities. I fear that Ivana may become a casualty.

Oh, and Linka and Wheeler... hilarious. The description of Wheeler's completely destroyed hut gives a pretty good indication of how those twenty hours progressed (or degenerated).

I'm sad that this is coming to an end next chapter. You're a terrific writer and I really enjoy reading your stuff. It's rare to find someone with such a vivid imagination, and to be so creative with their plot points. You write with such intelligence and clarity.
Missgoldy chapter 7 . 5/25/2018
Love this chapter!

OMG, wasn’t expecting Bligh to come to Wheeler’s rescue. Even funnier was the casual shove he gave her on the dock, sending her tumbling into the water. Laughed out loud at that one.

And finally, Linka and Wheeler. Conflicted even as they arrange to get down to business, arguing over which hut to retire too. I love these two in this story. Stubborn as all hell, but completely loveable and perfect for one another, in a rather explosive way.
Arturo Serrano chapter 8 . 5/23/2018
This has been absolutely beautiful. I bow down to your writing powers.
Klimmatt chapter 8 . 5/23/2018
Arturo Serrano chapter 6 . 5/15/2018
Man, chapter 6 reads like a movie. You're getting better and better.
Shieldage chapter 7 . 5/15/2018
Yo. Have yet to read part two of this series, just checking in on the latest chapter because of the high update rate. Great writing as usual. Good to see Bligh being rational about her own motivations and where they diverge from others. Nice to hear that Zarm is apparently as much of a bodiless voice here as Gaia - I look forward to catching up on how he formed his team and if anyone has yet to comment on his name basically being Mars spelled backwards... Nice step in the Linka and Wheeler relationship. Good to see that the Hope Island colony is still thriving in a much better and inclusive form than the show which did sort of seem to go out of its way to isolate the Planeteers from their families and past lives beyond the occasional scrying and dropping in to clean up local problems as they happened...
Missgoldy chapter 6 . 5/14/2018
This fic is so well crafted, almost intricate. The details and plot are woven very well and it’s great to get that “ah-ha!” moment when something previously touched upon in earlier chapters falls into place.

I love the idea of Zarm being Gaia’s opposite. The idea of the resulting gauntlet powers is quite fascinating, too. That the gauntlet powers are pure destruction and more powerful, but the Planeteers powers can be wielded in a more controlled manner.

The fact that they’ve battled before — and she’s lost — speaks volumes about the levity of the situation. The fact that she could simply have no choice but to start over is frightening.

Wasn’t expecting Lizzie Quinn in the big reveal. Didn’t see that coming! She’s a pathetic creature in this — fearful, cowering and seemingly unsalvagable.

Linka’s admission — that she “wanted to burn” — was heartbreaking. Still stoic, but with an intense longing. Realising that she’d missed her chance.

Can’t wait for the next chapter :-)
Erico chapter 6 . 5/13/2018
Oh, well THAT escalated in a hurry! Gotta say, did not see the identity of the Fifth Gauntlet coming...and what a reveal. The very fate of the planet is at stake...And the Planeteers will be left with only one move. A move Zarm expects, has planned for, and NEEDS to happen. The only question is, how will the Planeteers move now? Is there a way for them to convince the world NOT to destroy a giant primordial rage monster with the nuclear arsenal, even under threat of the axe?

First things first. A showdown in Stumm's lair. They need Wheeler.
Missgoldy chapter 5 . 5/2/2018
A terrific chapter!

So I spotted the very small reference to Zarm, along with the assumption that the puppeteer May be extra-terrestrial. Intriguing. It will be interesting to see if the 5th gauntlet is indeed who Ma-Ti suspects.

The description of the chaos caused is brilliant. The idea that the 5th gauntlets mind control is all-encompassing, with only Ma-Ti’s power protecting them: albeit on a much smaller scale.

Linka. She barely allows herself a moment of weakness or grief. Straight into battle mode; hardened and wanting revenge at Wheeler’s loss. I find her so cold and unloving in this series, it fascinates me.

Kwame being a reluctant leader is very evident in this chapter. The talk he has with the colonel- you can see he has the world on his shoulders.

I usually like how you keep your writing very concise and factual. There’s no rambling or frothy sentiments. Having said that, sometimes I feel the emotion expressed or portrayed by characters in parts is limited; considering the dramatic events at hand, particularly this chapter.

It’s not a criticism, just an observation. With a certain character’s death still raw in their minds, I guess I expected a little more emotional turmoil along with the battle plans and discussions. The section where Gi grinned toothily when picking Lizzie up was one such grey area for me, as it seemed quite jarring when they were joking around and such. She was the only one who initially reacted the way I expected when he died in the last chapter, but seems back to normal.

Again, that’s just me though. Linka would need an industrial-strength blow-torch to melt through those defences. Keep going, can’t wait to read more.
Erico chapter 4 . 4/27/2018
Well, damn. THAT I wasn't expecting. Right outta left field, although a review of circumstances should have keyed me into the possibility. But them being down a Planeteer? Kick to the balls, straight out. But is the Planeteer really, truly gone? Or merely taken?

We'll find out soon enough.
Klimmatt chapter 4 . 4/24/2018
Interesting move with the Gauntlet's identities. I definitely can't say I was expecting that.
Missgoldy chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
Oh man, you left it there? Holy hell, I need to know what happens next!

I wasn’t expecting the gauntlets to be people we knew. In retrospect, the clues were there though. Linka’s parents working separately, Matali disappearing with no sign of a body.

Oh Lordy, Wheeler. He always seems to be the one who is dealt the short straw. Hoping they’re bluffing.

Really curious as to the identity of the fifth gauntlet. Stumm may be beneath the mask but something else is still pulling the strings...

Terrific work. Update soon!
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