Reviews for A Thousand Shattered Mirrors
Ghost of Los Angeles chapter 2 . 9/14
Well the rewrite project is in Memoriam.
Venikas chapter 2 . 5/10
Rob Rimsill chapter 2 . 1/24
So, I checked out In Memoriam for the first time in years, basically on a whim - imagine my surprise when it was complete. Pleased about that, and congratulations on a fic successfully raised from the dead. This is why I keep on checking dead fics, I suppose.

This one's off to a good start. Interesting to see what you've got in store for Accelerator - while I do quite like his character arc in canon there's a lot that could be done with him but isn't. This dynamic flip in having the Sisters be the ones to hunt him instead of the other way around is a great idea, and it'll be good to see how that plot collides with our leads. Will Mikoto side with her 'sisters', or try to stop the experiment? Will Touma come to Accelerator's aid as his did for 10032 in canon? I have no idea!

Good luck with it all, keep up the good work.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 2 . 7/8/2019
A good story so far. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
An Accelerator dude that had to actually work his ass off to survive each and every encounter with the sister clones is gonna be a near-completely different beast then the one in canon, yeah the canon one is crazy crazy powerful egg-splitter but it made him stupid arrogant, once his big shield power was bypassed he was dropped like a sack of potatoes, total amateur, this version while considerably weaker will be far far far more dangerous and cunning in other aspects.

and of course love your interpretation of the TOARU-verse, it feels like what it would have been if it was written by Warren Ellis and Joss Whedon.
MrTerrorist chapter 2 . 12/22/2018
Yes! New chapter.
I hope Mikoto realizes that she offended Saten and hurt her feelings when she gave that "pep talk".
Can't wait to see if the Railgun girls will be involved in the Sisters Arc.
Lord-Sylph chapter 3 . 12/19/2018
Hyper Uiharu is best Uiharu, xD
You seen the new season of Index?
Or that they’ve announced Railgun III AND an Accelerator anime? Squeeeeee!
Lord-Sylph chapter 2 . 12/19/2018 Accelerator is the one being hunted? Not the other way around?
anand891996 chapter 2 . 12/18/2018
It liiiiveeesss
BbK2442 chapter 2 . 12/18/2018
Yay, this story finally has a new chapter! :D

But expanding further on the topic of the Misaka clones in canon, I wonder what the devs were thinking when they decided to try to "feed" the clones to Accelerator into order to "level" him up. Human beings don't work that way. You don't get stronger by killing more people, well aside from the incidental increase in muscle mass caused by the additional exercise, and you certainly can't make your psychic powers stronger by killing the same opponent over and over again.

It's nice to see that you're going to address that issue here by having the Misaka clones be treated as how a self-evolving hive mind would be handled realistically. Again, I'm really hoping for some Clone Wars references here. Pint sized Jango Fetts, anyone?
The Coke-aholic chapter 2 . 12/18/2018
Not gonna lie, I squeed so hard when I saw an update for this. Thank you for this, so far this has been the absolute best realism rewrite I’ve seen in any fan fic anywhere.
On the chapter itself, I’m liking how the interaction between the Railgun team is off kilter due to Misaka’s inability to relate to those so far beneath her. Shows that they are high school girls who still have a lot to learn about themselves and the world.
Alex chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
Good opening.

Plays with the expectations of readers who've seen this arc in the anime. I like how it makes Accelerate into someone recognizably human rather than just some unfeeling murderer, as he is in the cartoon (he seems to not care about the clones he's killed, even when later confronted with their humanity by meeting that younger one).
Likewise it strengthens Mikoto's character for her to be ignorant of Radio Noise, I feel.

Great job! :)
Rerver88 chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Hmmm, is this like an early phase of the level 6 shift experiment, back when Accelerator was still a young kid? Either way, I can't wait for the next chapter.
BbK2442 chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
Oh, my. The tables have seemingly been reversed. Now Accelerator is the hunted, and the Misaka clones are the hunters? Definitely interesting.

I wonder what's now the motivation for making the Misaka clones in the first place. Canon had the clones be cannon fodder for Accelerator to "level up" to 5, but seeing as how the real world doesn't work like a video game where you can level grind your way to being stronger, canon's plan is out.

Does this mean that the project's directors are now trying to perfect the Misaka hive mind into the perfect soldier? The Misaka hive mind would be like an ant colony, with each Misaka serving as both muscle and nerve cell, so this could very well revolutionize warfare if it works. I really hope you make some Star Wars references here because...well, clone army?

Anyhow, thanks for beginning the long-awaited sequel to "In Memoriam", and I eagerly await more.
Mitensu chapter 1 . 5/2/2018
Ohh, I like that, I like that a lot .

Might that be Accelerator being hunted by certain clones?
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