Reviews for Death Korps Forever
imcryingnknowit chapter 2 . 11/2/2019

thanks for the heartbreaks
ManwithaPlan113 chapter 2 . 11/6/2018
Hmmm this seems like a direct copy of a comic I read once ( T_T)
Uraa chapter 2 . 4/17/2018
Loved it, i spent almsot 2 hours on 40k lore to understand but it was well worth, also ICE NOOO WHY COULD lNT OF BEEN YUMIKO
RalphZiggy chapter 2 . 4/16/2018
*sheds a manly tear for Eight, pledges allegiance to Ice*

Hey Fanfic critic, you could do something worthy of your self-proclaimed function and give actionable criticism. Or you could sprout a pair and write and show us how it's supposed to be done.
The Quotable Patella chapter 1 . 4/16/2018
These days Fandic...err...Fanfic Critic seems to be very active.
LyingHiki chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
*slapped -snapped to attention
*He passed 'th(r)ough' several street's' full of dirt and plasteel building's'
*but seeing 'the' glaring look that the trooper was giving 'hehim) he lost his words.
*light*ed*flooded her eyes (as she cringed,)(regaining her eyesight)
(it was a the desolately dirty place, its streets filled with mud and filth)
please let me edit this...

Shirasaka to Fanfuck Critic
Fuck off, Nobody likes you ya bleedin cuntwaffle!
Fanfic Critic chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
This is really trash. When are you going to stop writing garbage and grow up? You keep producing cringy shit and it's very likely that you are the one who has produced all the worst fanfics on this site.
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Dam man took ya long enough. look like plot armor means shit to ya huh? Hahahaha well done. though its a shame that yukino had to kick the bucket. thought hayama wood get killed... again.. hahaha. Guess this be the end of this oneshot? Was hoping you could make like an interconnecting one shot series of 8man exploits as a kriegsman, his interactions(some more violent than others) with other factions. was thinking there be at least 1 or 2 of the cast in different factions and he was called as back up and worked with them.

Like perhaps yukino from the sisters of silence except she doesnt go with their sorta weird hairstyle
Hiratsuka from deathwatch prob... or imperial kights
Yui from the cadian
Hayama could be from the blood angels
Here you make oneshots of battles he participated with em and some interactions as well. An etc. dont need to be too tight about food for though.

Many thx for the chap n lookin forward to the next