Reviews for Sequence 1 - Falling Apart
Annonmymous chapter 22 . 5/15
I've read this 3 times and I still love it
Starpana chapter 19 . 10/2/2019
XD, this chapter inspired me to draw a picture of Raven sitting on the tower with the wind blowing. Your story is cool I good I can't put it down. It's the best I've read in a long time
DanielaCR chapter 23 . 8/30/2019
And where is the sequel?
DPTTrocks chapter 7 . 8/7/2019
The first thing I thought of when I read shake it like a you-know-what, was those barmen that shake fruitjuices and stuff to make cocktails and the like. So maybe the Frebgek is a Tamaranian fruit.
BartGirl chapter 23 . 7/26/2019
I love Beast Boy and Raven.
Golem XIV chapter 22 . 5/28/2019
Damn good writing, damn good plot, damn good story. Thank you for this. Onto the next!
Golem XIV chapter 6 . 5/26/2019
Been putting off reading this for a while now for some reason. Must say I'm glad I finally decided to pick it up. You're spinning quite the yarn here, and I'm really liking it. Great stuff.
Allen Blaster chapter 22 . 5/15/2019
I liked it. Good job. I'm PM'ing you so I don't put it in a review as a spoiler.
Allen Blaster chapter 13 . 5/14/2019
Just a quick comment, I loved Control Freak here!
Allen Blaster chapter 5 . 5/12/2019
I'll have to take a break here for tonight. It's all good though. I can already guess who the villain is. He was supposed to be iced to, so I wonder if that's covered later. Overall great job!
Allen Blaster chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
Dude, I finally got around to reading this. I've been a little sick of some of the fics I've read lately and wanted something a littls fresh. I saw you updated, and decided to read this chapter here to see how good it was. I'll say this man, it was very good! I liked how well you captured the characters, including Control Freak. I liked the reactions, and gosh I really liked the fight scene! It was, in Starfure's wirds, glorious! I'll be looking forward to catching up on the rest!
Invictus Icarus chapter 23 . 3/28/2019
This is an absolute masterpiece. There is nothing in this story that I did not enjoy. Everything from the way the plot had me heavily invested in the story, to the characters you had finely tuned to be faithful to what we, the fans, know and love, yet brought to life with your own ingenuity, had me wanting to reread the story again and again. You created many memorable moments, from Starfire being a millimeter away from ending Adonis' life, to the team frantically searching for leads to help their fallen friend; from the trips into Beast Boy's memories to Raven's recreation of Azarath, there was never once a dull moment. The fight scenes were top notch, well written, and suspenseful to the point it gave me chills, and the sweeter, quieter moments between friends were wholesome and genuine. Furthermore, you achieved this without falling into the norm for average writers. For example, when everyone was worried about Beast Boy and they were all trying to find a way to cope with it, I was fully expecting something along the lines of 'Robin went to the gym to workout his feelings', and I was more than happy that I was to be proven wrong. You also didn't make it solely about BBRae- each of the Titans had their moment to shine, and when that moment came, they did not disappoint. As a firm believer that the Teen Titans are not centered solely on one or two individuals but rather all five members equally, this was both refreshing and exciting, as not many authors do that. Also, kudos to you for being the one writer that actually gets why Raven was so upset with Terra, as it had little to do with Beast Boy and everything to do with the fact that she's a sociopathic back-stabber who took a (figurative) shit on her friend's trust (sorry, I personally do not like Terra. More specifically her comic counterpart, but still the cartoon version rubbed me the wrong way a few times). Your imagination and originality paid off well, as I have never read a fanfiction that explored Beast Boy's and Raven's past as intimiately as this one, nor have I seen the villains work so well together (not counting when the Brain had rallied them against the Titans). And! Holy crap, the character growth! I'm a huge sucker for character growth, and it was thrilling to see how each off them had matured over the course of 2 years. It was wonderful to see Raven realize Beast Boy's maturity, and for Robin recognizing it as well. It was also nice to see how Cyborg had advanced himself with his tech and how driven he became to save his friends, and it was most glorious to see Starfire being properly represented for who she actually is: a warrior princess who won't hesitate to beat the living shit out of you for the good of those she loves, but also as a gentle, wonderful, joyous soul, who, above all else, cherishes her friends and realizes that they make life worth living. Almost every fanfiction I've read, she is portrayed as super girly (which, she is) but they never explore the other sides of her, or if they do, they don't do it well. You, good sir, are the exception. I could quite literally go on and on about this story, but I think you get the point, so I'll just say one last thing. I noticed you went back and edited/fine tuned your already exemplary work. Even though I persoanlly didnt think it was necessary, I'm glad you did, because that, to me, means you take serious pride in your work. I have nothing but respect for that, especially since it paid off so well and gave your story a little more luster for the final product. Seriously man, keep up the good work, and I can't wait for you next series to come out. I'll be sure to read and review The Proposal, since you just finished the rough draft recently. Until next time, SteinMon!
FanaticFangirl2602 chapter 23 . 1/14/2019
And of course it ends on a cliffhanger. I feel like I should have expected this from you, lol. Well done.
FanaticFangirl2602 chapter 22 . 1/14/2019
FanaticFangirl2602 chapter 21 . 1/14/2019
Oh. Hot. DAMN. THIS CHAPTER. FUCKIN ROCKED. The emotion, the action! Especially the action, holy crap. Over the several months you’ve spent writing this fic, your fight scenes have improved amazingly. They were already good in the beginning; the flow and fast space that goes with action was just slightly off. Now? You got it, man. Nice job. *High fives*

Also, BB turning into an adult version of Raven’s first friend? E P I C. And her remembered he takes on the traits of whatever animal he turns into, and thinking about the loyalty aspect, how that animal will protect someone even if it means death. Raven, my dear, I believe our dear Garfield already has that trait. 3
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