Reviews for Act IV
Cameo Canon chapter 38 . 12/4/2018
In the end there is peace
Cameo Canon chapter 27 . 11/28/2018
Don't you just love the red mist
Cameo Canon chapter 25 . 11/28/2018
Now I have to listen to dragon soul again
Guest chapter 46 . 11/28/2018
I've loved being along for the ride. Wish it could last forever but all good things must come to an end. You are an excellent writer. If you end up doing ddlc again, add lots of Sayori humour or just lots of her in general if you possibly can. Thanks . Bye!
The Toad Soldier chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
This was an amazing fanfiction! I hope you will make more in the future.
A Random Role Player chapter 46 . 11/25/2018
You’ve done an amazing job with this story. It’s bottersweet that it’s already over, as I have only just started it a week or two ago. Glad to know that everything has been resolved.

You’ve taken a bit of a different approach than some of the writers I’ve seen here, and I was pleasantly surprised with how the story resolved. The cliffhangers and moments of drama were enough to get my heart beating, and you kept key elements of what made the original game so impactful. Well done!

I’m curious to see what other stories you have in mind. Thank you for putting in so much time and effort into those story, and I hope to talk with you more!
Kwhdqoshsnampsj chapter 45 . 11/25/2018
Beautiful story, definitely going in my favorites.
AimlessShenanigans chapter 45 . 11/25/2018
Is this the end?! I have no idea but goddamn I loved every bit of it. That one chapter I got super emotional over was a huge highlight even if it was sad as hell. I may have come in pretty late but I am glad I came in at all. You didn’t have to use a hundred thousand words in only about eight chapters to tell an engaging story; you went 45 chapters in that amount of words and took us on a roller coaster of chaos, fluff, bonding, and uncertainty regarding things working out for the best. Bravo. Bravo.
AimlessShenanigans chapter 44 . 11/21/2018
Oh I am so fucking glad for thus. Thank goodness. Luls to Sayori manipulating space and time for the mundane actions of breakfast. But, I mean, I guess if Sayori was to use powers for things it would be mundane stuff. She does, after all, want everyone to be happy. Small comforts. It's all about small comforts when things are going well otherwise.
A Random Role Player chapter 43 . 11/19/2018
And just like the game did, you managed to toy with my emotions and feelings. I wasn’t ready for that.

Sometimes, there is more power in fewer words, and this chapter demonstrates that very well. Now that MC realizes the reality of his world and Sayori’s motives, there isn’t much else he can say.

I want to see what Sayori will do in the next morning. The suspense is killing me!
AimlessShenanigans chapter 43 . 11/19/2018
This is so fucking sad despite being so short ;_;
A Random Role Player chapter 42 . 11/17/2018
Well, that was definitely a plot twist! Kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time.

Now I’m curious to how the story will unfold from here on out. What will Sayori do now? How does The Player feel about all of this happening? Will Natsuki ever break free from being a Tsundere? Find out on the next episode of Doki Doki Act IV!

[...don’t question why I just did that, it’s 1:30 in the morning.]
AimlessShenanigans chapter 42 . 11/17/2018
Luls to acknowledging that both The Player and Monika are basically omniscient at this point. "You mean, you're not angry?" Oh my God please yes. Please be at ease about this, Sayori. AAA I forgot about the plan. Hah. Hahah. That won't fuck things up, surely. Aahahaha... Shit.

Damnit. Attempts to get through to her with words aren't working. This is so sad, Alexa play Your Reality. Oh shit, Monika though. Man I can't tell if this is a ruse or not. I had to re-read a good segment from where Sayori says bitch lol. Sayori seems to be legitimately surprised, as if she could sense a difference in Monika once she turned around.

A Random Role Player chapter 40 . 11/15/2018
I’ve binge read this story for the past 2-3 days now. And I must say, this story has thrown me under the loop quite a bit.

It’s really fun to see how the characters progress over time. One character that I really had my eye on was Sayori. At first, it just seemed like she was going to have all the girls be with MC, all just in spite of Monika, but as the story went on, it became more clear that she had her own personal motives as well. I always questioned why she had planned MC and Yuri together if she wanted to be with the Player, her romantic morals were definitely questionable. But then again, same goes for the chick magnet MC as well, although they’ve all just really had a tough time and need a break.) It’s rather scary to see how even a person who initially wants to make everyone happy slowly let the power get to their head, but it’s not unexpected.

One small thing that I really enjoyed was that one DBZ reference MC gave when he said to Yuri, “I’ll give you strength, you’ll give me love, that’s how we’ll live.” I’m surprised nobody else in the reviews caught onto that!

I myself have wanted to make a story with Sayori as president, so it’s interesting to see someone else’s take on it. I’d love to have a discussion with you over PM, and maybe you can give me tips on how to write my current DDLC story! I sure could use them, because you’re an awesome writer and I have a lot to learn XD

Sorry if my review is very generic. I planned on writing different ones for different chapters, but I figured I’d be bothering you with multiple replies from me, so I decided to make it all into just one quick-ish review. XD I’m really looking forward to how they are going to resolve their situation with Sayori. Hopefully everyone will be okay in the end.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my response. Hope to talk with you soon!
AimlessShenanigans chapter 40 . 11/15/2018
I again commend you for having very good flow with the story. Chapter 39 gets a lot done in a short time span without overstaying its welcome. That’s the kind of thing I was talking about when I mentioned the differences between your style and mine.

I love the group hug aaaaa :D and getting into chapter 40, clever Monika. The silent bits are nice. Lol the poem. Nice thinking. “I guess he’s not into men.” Hahaha. Well since the player is technically supposed to be in the role of MC, the player would think of MC partially as his own self. No wonder he doesn’t say anything towards MC.

Keeping the attention of the player lol. Must be a task. Thank goodness for the quick passage of time. The loud okay everyone lol. “Even in silence and individually reading, just being around the others was good enough.” Motherfucking seconded. That’s how I operate.

LINE BREAK HERE LINE BREAK HERE LINE BREAK HERE. I’m sorry lol but that made me laugh after the I forgive you bit. I thought things were about to get meta until I saw the next paragraph begin. The small touching moments between Natsuki and MC are so precious. Sayori is my angel but Natsuki is right behind her because she is the troubled, insecure girl who just wants to be accepted and loved. Unlike Yuri, she doesn’t have as much investment in fiction on her own to be satisfied and get along in life. She needs love and support.

The end bit awwww ;u; Man I hope this plan goes well. Sayori May have become corrupted but there is hopefully a glimmer of purity within her waiting to be unearthed. She is doing what she is out of desperation, just like Monika did. With the right circumstances and pressing, she can be redeemed and everything can be made right. Hopefully. She just needs everyone to know and get the chance to explain.
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