Reviews for Baby in the BAU
MissScorp chapter 28 . 4/28
Hi there! I didn’t even realize there was another chapter of this! How I missed this, I don’t know! It’s short but it’s sweet. It shows how committed to Reid both Garcia and Derek are. He’s not only their best friend as an adult but he’s also special to them in his child form. Derek not wanting to leave and stick Garcia with sole care and responsibility is adorable and such a part of his character but Garcia is right, he has to live his own life, too. He has his own responsibilities to worry about and has obligations he must meet (like for the BAU).

Garcia nodding to the ugly she sees in her job as controller is a masterful touch. It’s a reminder that she also sees the victims and knows the details of why they are victims. Hence her locking her doors. She knows her complex is a safe one but so have others and people still got hurt. And she has Reid to consider now. His safety is her responsibility until he reaches his grown-up age again. Parenthood is about nurturing and protecting and those are things Garcia already does.

Really sweet chapter!
Jesuslover123 chapter 28 . 3/25
Aww sweet
Dextolan chapter 28 . 3/24
Still love this story. It was great to see an update
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 28 . 3/23
Hi, how are you. I loved your story.
DestinyDragons101 chapter 28 . 3/23
Oh god. Reid's gonna remember this once he remembers his 'past life' and gonna freak. That would be interesting to see.
MissScorp chapter 27 . 3/3
Hi there! Jack launching himself at Hotch when he walks in the door and almost knocking him back is so sweet. It’s a perfect ending to what was a bad case, clearly. Haley doesn’t like to know the dirty details of Hotch’s work but she can tell by her husband’s voice when a case has been bad and is taking a toll on him. She opens herself up and is there for her husband, telling him to talk to her but he tells her not at that moment. Over the phone isn’t the right time for that sort of explanation.

Nor is the phone the right place for them to tell Haley about why Reid grew overnight. She takes it in her own stride and accepts the explanation. Well, that little Spencer is really Reid. Hotch doesn’t want to have to explain the fairy godmother part. Not that I can blame him. I wouldn’t exactly want to have to explain that, either.

This has been a great story! I absolutely enjoyed it. It didn’t make any pretense about what it was: just something fun and fluffy. A story about people coming together as a family after a freak situation occurs. Absolutely fantastic job!
MissScorp chapter 26 . 3/3
Hi there! Aww! He finally calls Garcia, Mommy! That’s exactly the sweetness that we needed. To see Reid acknowledging her as his “mom” even though he does have a mom. And Garcia calling Morgan, Daddy? Cherry on top of the cake. No matter what is going to happen now, they’re a family. Even if Reid reaches his true age again, they’re still going to be a family. It’s going to be a bit odd having him call them Mom and Dad but I’m sure they will work it out ;)

Seeing Haley as she strokes Reid’s hair and how she worries about him having a fever or getting too cold reminds us that she’s on the frontlines in a different way from Hotch. She’s the one who deals with the upset stomachs, getting Jack dressed, taking him to the doctor, running the house, etc. Her bitterness is understandable because parenthood is a team and her teammate is always with his other team. It’s not an easy situation in the slightest and she does the best she can but being angry, hurt, bitter is all understandable given the situation.

Welp, Haley is gonna be in the know now lol love the repetition of the “did you just... grow?” line. It shows that it tends to happen at night and when people don’t necessarily see it lol

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 25 . 3/3
Hi there! Poor Haley. She’s got a really tough job here. Not only is she having to deal with her own son and his separation issues but she’s got to deal with Reid who has not been separated from his “parents” before now. He’s in definite fine form as he starts kicking her and screaming his full head off. Then comes the pouting and the silent treatment. Finally, in a burst of childish aggression he starts a food fight with Jack. That perks the boy up. Like one would expect. He’s three. Making messes is fun to him. And to Jack, who he gets involved in his mess making.

Haley doesn’t get angry with Jack or Reid. No, she shows her gained wisdom by understanding that Reid is acting out because he doesn’t like being left behind by his parents. That he doesn’t like the separation. It’s what she endures with Jack when Hotch is gone. So she comes up with a plan to try and make him feel better: video calling. Jack telling Reid they’re busy and that he basically has to wait is so adorable and shows that he’s learned that he can’t call and talk to “Daddy” whenever he wants.

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 24 . 3/3
Hi there! Garcia’s feelings about returning to work are understandable. Hotch definitely can understand them because he is a father and has to deal with these feelings whenever the next case comes along that deals with children. It’s something that they knew was coming, though. They couldn’t avoid work forever. They were going to have to face this situation sooner or later. Better to do it now when the case isn’t one that involves children rather than later.

The moment between Morgan and Hotch in his office where Hotch tells Morgan that he understands his feelings bonds them in a way that the job hasn’t. This is a father to a surrogate father. A father who has to be away from his kid all the time. Who has missed all the big milestones. Who understands the fear and worry. What it means to be part of a family but not be there to be part of that family.

Another good chapter!
MissScorp chapter 23 . 3/3
Hi there! I can see Reid not being a Dr Seuss fan. I don’t think he’d speak ill of it but I can see him as not appreciating it as he would other types of stories. I wasn’t a big Seuss fan. I preferred Bernstein Bears and animal stories. But I also started reading more advanced books early. I was reading biographies by second grade and Shakespeare in fourth and fifth. I can foresee that Reid would be the same way.

I do love the idea of introducing Reid to superheroes (especially since she does refer to him as the Boy Wonder at times). Not only because it’s our first fandoms but because the lessons that can be learned are ones that apply to Reid in his grown up profession. I mean, Batman is a profiler. A forensic expert. He’s a master detective. So is Nightwing. Superman is known as the proverbial Boy Scout. There is lots that a growing adult/boy can learn here from comics ;)

Wonderful job as always!
MissScorp chapter 22 . 3/3
Hi there! Aha three-year-old temper tantrums are never fun but Garcia handled Reid’s in a way that stopped it before it became a full blown tantrum. I can foresee little Reid having the taste for coffee that big Reid did and not seeing any reason for why he can’t have it. What’s the harm? it’s a mix of three-year-old logic with over twenty (or thirty, I’m not sure what age Reid is, honestly lol). And his plaintively issued statement about his wanting it is absolutely how a three-year-old would state they want something they’ve been denied.

Morgan and Garcia are really the cutest with how they are handling this situation. Morgan is always the tough guy and more stern in his approach to unsubs but he’s really the more laid back guy here while Garcia is the muscle. She’s much more stern than he is with Reid. It’s an interesting switch in the dynamics and shows what each might be like when they become parents. Rather like how Hotch is when he’s home with Jack. It’s vastly differently from how he is when he’s out in the field. It enriches their characters and makes them more well-rounded.

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 21 . 3/3
Hi there! Well, we get a little more information coming out of this chapter. Doesn’t appear that the fairy godmothers have any idea what happened and don’t know how to reverse it. The best guess is that Reid will stop growing once he resumes the age he was when Bridget reversed his age. We do know that he is growing based on what Garcia tells us.

Reid started out as three months, jumped to two years and is now seemingly hitting the three-year bracket. Each age is a new advancement and development. Language, processing abilities, physical changes, it’s a whole new experience each day. How long it might take for him to reach his former age is anybody’s guess. Keeping up with it and keeping people from noticing is going to be difficult. Especially since a case could come along and require Garcia and Morgan to return to work.

The disappearing coffee leaves us on an interesting hook because it can mean that a certain fairy godmother trio is there and observing or it can mean that there’s something else at work that we haven’t encountered yet. The dish towel one can pass off for what Garcia said. The coffee cup is another matter entirely. It didn’t just get up and walk away on its own. Not unless it had a little help in developing feet lol

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 20 . 3/2
Hi there! Poor Garcia really. She’s in the same conundrum that I am because little Reid is adorable... but so was adult Reid. Is it replacing one for the other? Meh, I don’t think so. I think it’s giving us who Reid was as a baby and allowing us to see him as he was then and how it relates to him as an adult. That inquisitive nature, the intelligence, and the investigative way he looks at things are all Reid as an adult. It’s what he does as a profiler. It’s just he isn’t able to profile at this point because he’s clearly not age appropriate heh

Garcia wondering if he reads Dr Seuss or more advanced books is also allowing us to see how she doesn’t know everything and is wondering what is best for Reid. Hotch is the one with a son but Jack isn’t Reid. Reid is his own special sort of boy genius. Sure, he’s developing like a normal toddler. I’m sure he did when he was raised by his mother, too. However, there’s that point when his intellect is going to manifest itself and become more dominant. I can see it happening once they get to the bookstore. Something says that Green Eggs and Ham won’t be the first thing that little Reid gets his hands on heh

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 19 . 3/2
Hi there! Yup, the explanation was a lulu lol I don’t know if you ever watched the show Betwitched, but Bridget reminds me of the aunt on that show who had gotten a bit befuddled in her old age and got spells wrong. To hilarious and disastrous consequences. Here, the result was Reid getting turned into a baby. Before it was turning someone into a cat. Now, while I imagine the other person had a great time catting around... their wife likely didn’t. This was supposed to be Bridget’s probation and her way to get back to godmothering... and she seems to have failed that spectacularly lol

Morgan trying to profile this situation so he can understand it is just fabulous. It’s really Morgan all over. He’s using his skills to try and understand what he’s essentially being told. He wants to believe Bridget because Reid seemed to know her. He pointed her out. Called her his fairy godmother. On the other hand... she’s a fairy godmother and Reid is all of two. How much can he really believe here? However, it’s not like there’s any other explanation that satisfies what happened.

Well, as if Reid being turned into a toddler isn’t a big enough of a wrench... it seems he can’t be turned back into an adult by the same means. This certainly throws a pipe into the works to jam things up. The team is already trying to figure out what to do about the situation... now they have to figure out how to explain the situation to Strauss. Can’t imagine that conversation being pretty lol

Another great chapter!
MissScorp chapter 18 . 3/2
Hi there! Oh man, when I read that three people had showed up and one announced herself as Reid’s fairy godmother, I totally imagined the three godmothers from Sleeping Beauty. All the snark and casting of spells back and forth to get their own ways somehow resulting in Reid getting turned back into a toddler. The fact that the women could outclass Garcia in the flamboyance and color department gives me a clear indication that these aren’t people from our world. Got a bit of a Harry Potter vibe here in that the faeries don’t know how we mortals dress and try to mimic us to comedic effect heh

That this story is embracing the absurd is fantastic. It makes it such an enjoyable read because it’s giving us this element that the show wouldn’t (since that isn’t what the show is known for). This is magic. It requires their suspension of belief. It demands that you set aside what you know and embrace this concept for the pure entertainment value it is presenting. That’s just bloody fantastic and so damned needed in this world. That said...

I wanna hear what the explanation is. I gotta feeling it’s gonna be a doozy ;)

Great chapter as always!
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