Reviews for Above the Law
CLHB chapter 13 . 8/2
Great story! Please update soon.
stellahayes35 chapter 13 . 1/26
update please want to read more
fdhlshbbyum chapter 13 . 6/29/2019
Please write another chapter! This story is really interesting!
meeeeouch chapter 11 . 6/28/2019
Christian has tapes...of him and Ethan? Or all Ethan's attacks on women? Christian is going to explain to his partners of the firm about tapes?

Why won't Christian take Ana to his apartment?

Ethan might have been bailed out by his "father"?
What's with Ethans year of birth?

Why did Christian show up to the bar right when Ana was outside? Then he opens the door for her, she turns around and he is gone WTF?

Ana is always casting her eyes down

Is Christian waiting it out with Ana to intro to BDSM? Did Elena intro Christian and Ethan to the lifestyle?
Is that why Elena is at Christians law firm? Because she "SAVED HIM" Or all this isn't even in this story?
Did Ana make Christian "CHOOSE" between her or Elena? That's why they broke up?

When Ana showed up unexpected to Christians office, they had sex, but I don't remember a condom being pulled out from anywhere?
Pregnant? that's why they broke up for good? Christian doesn't want anything to do with the child?
meeeeouch chapter 13 . 6/28/2019
I am so beside myself. This must be updated NOW! I'm dying over here. HELP
meeeeouch chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Trinity Johnson chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
please please come back to this story
Abbybaby1 chapter 13 . 5/12/2018
This story is really good. Please come back and finish it, I will wait on you just let me Know your coming back
rcjr3905 chapter 13 . 5/11/2018
can't wait for more
Guest chapter 13 . 4/11/2018
When do we get more of this. Can't wait to read the second part.
Oobies chapter 11 . 4/6/2018
Wait...their first time was in his parents house...while everyone was downstairs...and when they were done they joined the party? How was that special? And they knew every one knew what they had just done? This scenario is so wrong in many ways.
Experiment1776 chapter 13 . 4/6/2018
Decent story. I enjoyed reading it for the most part. I do have a small critique. The intimate sex scenes I feel may be lacking a bit...? I just wish they were a little more filled out and more realistic. Great read other wise! 7.5/10!
joan.goldman.9 chapter 13 . 4/3/2018
Who the hell bailed Ethan out? Please tell me that Elena got her husband to hightail it over to get Soph and her kids? Ana is playing with fire trying to get Ethan to exchange Soph and the kids for her.

Hell of a cliff hanger, please come back soon.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 12 . 4/3/2018
Ethan video taped his victims and Christian has the tape! That's why Christian knew to follow Ethan and Ana, he knew what Ethan was going to do to her. That sick bastard also keeps souvenirs of his victims. I so hope they find those and the other tapes?

HOLY S.H.I.T.B.A.L.L.S. I had to read that last chapter over again! Ethan strapped CHRISTIAN to a bed and tried to get him off and recorded it?! Why was Christian still friends with him? I thought that was Mia talking, I didn't realize it was Christian. ;)

Are you saying that Ethan will serve next to nothing for all he's done? The justice system sucks! BUT wait what about breaking into Christian's office and stealing evidence that he admitted to? Can't that hold a larger sentence? I can't believe the judge let him off!
joan.goldman.9 chapter 11 . 4/2/2018
Christian and Ana finally had their moment and Christian was gentle with her and loving. Although Ana seems to think that it's too soon for him to love her. WRONG!

OMFG Ethan raped Mia too and she got pregnant too. Only Mia can no longer have children. Christian and Elena better do a really good job in that courtroom!
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