Reviews for Wide Open Road
MajorSam chapter 1 . 1/18/2019
I can't even say how much I love this. Brilliant. Amazing. Wonderful. Read and re-read so many times. Thank you.
IBYAA chapter 1 . 8/8/2018
I am on a lil Wednesday binge so prepare to see 281972 reviews from me tonight saying things along the lines of

Once Upon a Whim chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
Oh, why oh why did we not get all the kissing on screen like this? And Lucy having naughty shower thoughts? And Wyatt doing naughty shower things? And both of them basically scheduling their first sexytimes together? Because that would have made for a much better followup to the almost trunk kiss than the absolutely nothing that we actually got as a followup to the almost trunk kiss. Not that I wanted Lucy to have been in a position to have needed to admit to the moment worth the broken lamp, but them talking and kissing and being adorable and planning all the sex? That would have been much better than one insecure sexytimes followed by a whole season of Jessica angst and not talking :(
Christina chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
This was entirely too rude to handle. So many emotions and feelings and the kisses. *swoons*
Syd15 chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
There was more, there I more! Oh, the fun I’m going to have reading all your fics if the ones I’ve read are any indication!

This was such a wil ride! I loved the first part with just Lucy unraveling and getting angry and everything in between and then Wyatt coming in and just fucking bribing her into talking with kisses, no less! Poor Lucy didn’t stand a fucking chance! That whole part was something else completely, a ride from beginning to end, I didn’t know whether to get all hot and bothered or cry over what Lucy was saying (that poot girl needs a fucking break, this season has been so freaking hard on her, I have no idea how she stills gets up and deals with it, she’s so tough!).

And then you go and end the fic with them talking about Wyatt’s hard-on... Like I said, what a ride!
future-fangirl chapter 1 . 3/27/2018
What a lovely story. Sigh. That's pre drama.
qwertygal chapter 1 . 3/25/2018
Okay-just re-read...and this review may take a while, so get comfy!
I love the way you mix the stuff that can be hard to read-yet rewarding to read, with some of the fun of the show. Thank you so much for addressing the question of Lucy's shifts in mood between the bunker and the time jump. I love this line: "She will not let their voices take up any sort of permanent residence in her mind." to show Lucy's struggle. Loved how she can pull herself out of her RH darkness by thinking of Wyatt-and I loved the reminder of the car chase in Los Vegas - because I hadn't made that connection until you mentioned it. But it was also a way to bridge their relationship then, to what it is now-how she knows him to be a different person than she had imagined him to be at the time. The way she describes how she sees him now is perfect: "...composed of so many beautifully complex parts, and when she tries to make logical sense of who he is in her brain, the only thing that's clear is that she has to be in love with him." Absolutely beautifully written! And then you switched so smoothly to show some of the lighter, yet still heart-warming aspects of their relationship-Wyatt working himself up so much that he paces right into the chair, Lucy wanting to learn everything about him, so he can't use the excuse "you never asked"; and then, of course, the representation of their more recent history - "I don't know what it will be, but the moment I decide to kiss you, interruptions will be raining down from the sky."

Then, when it couldn't get any better-you get to their deal, or the "absolutely ridiculous proposition". What a lovely way to show both of them opening up, in different ways. Wyatt opening up about his past heartbreak to help her -"I know what it's like to feel lost, and even worse, I know what it's like to override those feelings by diving headfirst into any distraction that can fill the void. Ak! And then the way you skillfully described the different types of kisses, to relate to the emotions and the power of the conversation. You were also skillful with your handling of Lucy's description of the worst thing she did, as well as with Wyatt's reaction to it-liked the line "his mind retreating into the maze of his own darkness." So well managed-beautiful, heartbreaking...and, most importantly, believable.
This story is my new head canon...until the show proves otherwise...and maybe even after that!

Also-couldn't fit it in elsewhere, but also LOVED the line:
"This is what she gets when she can't be swayed by casual, off-hand smiling Wyatt. she has to resist the lure of affectionate, unguarded, sensitive Wyatt instead."
Yep-pretty sure I'd find it hard to resist *either* of these versions of Wyatt!
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
Congrats, my friend, on your "golden" milestone :)) this wonderful story is just another example of why I consider you to be the finest author in our little fandom. Just too many feels to even go into, but please know that I loved it :)
ekmalaterre chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
I can’t stop reading this. It just makes me squeeeee in so many places. Him wanting to join her, her wanting to pull him in, him making the deal...I just had all of the heart eyes.
lumirules chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
That was really good.
victoriatonks chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
It has been a long time since a fic made me cry, but this one did. I believe I have read hundreds of ff stories and yours here is one of the best, hands down. It is damn hard to write something so intense - hot and gut-wrenching, dark and uplifting at the same time. And all of it written in such beautiful, rich language. You are such a fantastic writer.

It took me a while to read through the entire story, because it was so intense that I had to stop several times. Watching Wyatt exert such incredible control over himself because of his love for Lucy was incredible. He did put them through hell, didn't he? All the while knowing perfectly well what he was doing. *tear*

One of the reasons I loved this story so much is because you wrote the bond between them which goes deeper than any feelings or physical needs might lead. It is like this connection between them has been growing in every possible direction and now it really is unbreakable. I loved every single line of your story, but there were two moments that stood out for me and almost made my heart stop. Wyatt's tears and the 'broken lamp' part of Lucy's story. That really got to me.

Thank you for writing something this beautiful. How I wish it were canon.
Missyriver chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
As always I love the way you write these two. Brilliant
ecstaticallygray chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
This is so beautiful I'm legit crying tears of pain and joy . Characterization was, as always, flawless! Also just the story you weave, the way you write ugghhh so gooooddddd.
Citizen-of-Pompeii chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
I totally adore your stories and after this one, I think I've died and gone to heaven. This was amazing. You write so well in general but you just capture both of them amazingly. Honestly, I love the constant pull of attraction between them but of course Wyatt wants to make sure his Lucy is okay. I've also been thinking about what Lucy had gone through those 6 weeks away and I think what you put in here is very, very probable.
Ugh! I cannot express what absolute pure perfection this is. I cannot wait for Sunday, it seems so far away. I am so ready, and so not ready, for the Lyatt explosion. Becuase we all know it will be glorious, and then painful. My babies.
I also wanted to thank you for always commenting on my story, "Living in the Present" and personally apoligize for the lack of an update. I am trying hard to get my latest chapter done before heading to Europe for ten days! My life is so choatic but I promise that after mid-April I will be free to write (and breathe).
Basically, your writing is stunning, I am in awe of you, you always make me smile, and may look up to you a little in the fanficition world! 3 (Apparently I'm just as incapable of writing a short review as I am of writing a short chapter)
Di92 chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
I love it when I see a notification that there's a new post by you in my inbox. First of all, the fact that chaos always strikes at the slightest thought of their lips touching is quite frustrating. The way Wyatt addresses it is quite funny though. Second, the way Lucy can feel and taste the very moment Wyatt's emotions fluctuate is mesmerizing. They are so in toned with each other they can anticipate just about any thought before it's spoken. Their connection is golden and goals all around! Love the humor in between the serious and emotional aspects of their little confrontation. Great piece and a wonderful milestone achieved. Congratulations!
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