Reviews for Tempting Treats
Zdraco chapter 9 . 1/9
Man I love the new chap/update but I feel bad for Reggie tho, welp waiting for the next chapter and good to see u alive author
Guest chapter 9 . 1/6
now the next chapter need to be Ash talking with Reggie about what he did with both Paul and Barry, and that he wants to be with them and him cause if Ash really doesn't want to hurt Reggie then he should be shared by Paul/Barry/Reggie.
Ty Batto chapter 9 . 1/6
that was awesome. cannot wait until the next chapter.
Ty Batto chapter 8 . 3/27/2019
Please Update this story soon. it is very good.
Zdraco chapter 8 . 2/1/2019
They deserve it, ash is queen lmao
rintisku chapter 8 . 1/29/2019
Wow things are getting heated... why am I suddenly wanting a harem with Ash, Paul, Reggie, and Barry? I just don’t think Reggie is that kind of guy though to be in a romantic relationship where is brother is also in the mix of lovers... wow my brain goes to some weird places but I write incest so I guess it isn’t as weird as I might think. I love your story and I am so excited to read more of it. Sending good writing vibes and inspiration.
Oleonetta chapter 8 . 1/27/2019
OMG this chapter was... wow!
I hope there will be more soon. The long wait for more torture lol. This story and tipping the scales are my favourite. oh I was also reading arrogant rivals which I can wait for more on either. your work is amazing XD
Rekboi chapter 8 . 1/27/2019
I was NOT expecting this but.. good Lord, I am so emotionally invested in this, I need so much more, thank you so much for updating this. I'm excited to see how Ash plays this out!
Zdraco chapter 7 . 12/31/2018
Ash is a pure cute cinnamon bun that needs to be protected... I will be waiting for a update !
Rekboi chapter 7 . 12/24/2018
Man this is getting so dang SPICY. Thank God for Reggie but good Lord all the shade in this chapter is leaving me BLIND. I'm not sure I agree with Ash going the way he is, but I'm happy to see he has someone like Reggie. I honestly have no clue how this is going to end up but I'm loving it to death. Hopefully everyone is able to be at least amicable at the end of this. I don't think Barry and Paul tried to play Ash and I wish he would listen and not take the words of someone else that he knows doesn't like him. UGH, thank you so much for continuing to write, I look forward to every chapter!
ashreggierichie chapter 6 . 12/4/2018
Rekboi chapter 6 . 12/4/2018
Heck, I know that Ash is hurt but God is he being such a naive little jerk to Barry and Paul. I love the relation with Reggie, but I wish he'd just hear them out. Why listen to Dawn when she's been so jerky before, especially since she's in cahoots with Gary. Ugh, I love this story so much and you're doing such a great job, I'm just feeling the angst so hard! Hope things turn out well for Ash soon and he makes up with them!
tr96ey chapter 6 . 12/3/2018
Yes an update! ! Its like an early Christmas present, and just what I wanted. Now I want more.
This story is so good I cant wait to see where its going. It feels so wired to see Paul threaten Ash with physical harm, Its within his character, to threaten someone installing his boyfriend. But after reading Tipping the Scales(another great read) it feels like he would never do something like that.
I can't wait to see how this all plays out I, actually really like the polyamorous (I hope im using that word right) relationship. Between ash, barry and paul but Reggie seems like that may be nice way to go. Cant wait for more of this story.
Azurai Wolf chapter 5 . 11/8/2018
Been reading this and just finished Tipping the Scales and I’ve loved both! I like how you write Paul, aaah and Barry here as well as how you write Paul, Ash, reggie and alain in you other Fic! Definitely going to be fav and following these
Oleonetta chapter 5 . 11/6/2018
All I can say is DAMN, I want more! More of this story, because it got VERY interesting really fast. WOW! Awesome. Wonder 8f Ash will end up with Richie, but I hope Barry and Paul don't hurt Ash emotionally. Ash knows that there is no relationship between them and all but I hope they don't just chuck him and at least do care for him. X
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