Reviews for Islanzadí's Lament
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Your story hits a depth of the description combined with the sobriety of your style is truly impressive - and beautiful. Hope that somehow, you're still writing, because such talent should not be wasted.
Toby860 chapter 1 . 10/22/2018
I have read this story and the other two companion fics you made and they're pretty good for three sides of the same story basically of love lost and loved won. This is my personal opinion but I think you should write one more side to the story this time from the unknown wife of her thanking Arya for denying her feelings because it's through that that she was given a chance to find happiness herself and she has her wonderful children and maybe just maybe her asking arya that if something were to happen to her and her husband if she could take over watching and raising their kids
Ophelia Evarina chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
Beautifully written. This encaptures Islanzadí's personality perfectly. All of her flaws; her fears, her selfishness, all the while making the Reader understand that she is still inherently good, she just went about her love for Arya in a not so great way.

This is very well written, as if it were out of the books themselves. I can't wait to read more from you.
RedCide47 chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
You've talent my friend. The sad tone of the story Is done well, and reading this makes my heart clench in solemn sympathy. I thank you for the trio stories of depression!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
Jesus Christ man, why so depressing? But still, goo story, it paints a good picture of Arya’s past and why she is just an emotionless, hollow, shell of her former self and part of the reason she declined Eragon