Reviews for the fine machinery of the spring
cocoablossom chapter 3 . 8/20
Wow... that was a beautiful read. It was so elegant, poetic, and lyrical... just beautiful.

I have to say, the part that struck me most was Tsunade’s little outburst when she tells Kakashi that basically everyone on team 7 abandoned Sakura, *including* him which is why she sought her path to strength and success elsewhere. That was really impactful for me. Especially the idea that in some way Naruto also abandoned her? I may need to mull over that a bit more. In many ways, it’s the truth of the matter. I actually had not looked at Sakura’s circumstances that way before, but you worded it so right.

Well done. This was well worth the read. I am a sucker for some heartfelt KakaSaku lol
Saku678 chapter 3 . 8/8
Mannnn now i gotta change my pillow cover. When tsunade started her rant i was fuckin crying like a baby realizing how canon sakura has suffered sm
Saku678 chapter 3 . 8/8
I've never hated sasuke this much
indraaas chapter 3 . 4/21
This is *chefs kiss* I loved it! It was poetic in all the right places hell yeah your writing is divine!
newtygirl chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
i wish naruto and sasgay weren’t such a fucking ass in this story but i loved it regardless
cafeanna chapter 3 . 4/23/2019
I am here for Hinata verbally bitch-slapping Sasuke all around the court room, and ohmigod when Sasuke gets SCARED of Kakashi, I was ready for a BRAWL. I did not know where you might take that, would something happen to Sakura? Would something not? If this helps: I was surprised. But we needed this elongated conflict, force Kakashi to be more steady-fast in his feelings and acknowledge Sakura-

-speaking of which, Tsunade bitch-slapping Kakashi all around the court room was a win.

And that sex scene, my god, it is everything we needed as readers, as writers, as lovers of this ship. Thank god, and it was so awesome. I appreciate a good smut. Now Tsunade walking in on them while she decide to live together. God, love. Thank you for this
cafeanna chapter 2 . 4/23/2019
I am so here for how scorchingly in love they are and how they have hurdles and parameters to cover before they can commit to one another. Ugh, I adore this.

And Ino’s commentary. I love that Sakura has more friends, most people just push aside their rival-friendship. Also, that imagery of Naruto “waking and brining a demon with him”? Fantasictic. I love it.

Also, Kakashi lamenting that he is too old. Ohmigod, the moment Sakura called him sensei she said it because she knew it would hurt, dig the glass in because she has an idea, she knows, it’s terrifying and she loves him too. Damn, I love this
cafeanna chapter 1 . 4/23/2019
I love the relationship that you are building here. Sakura and Kakashi are so different, but are so in sync with their personalities.

The scene where they almost lost Kyo was so heart-wrenching, and it bonded them through that trauma. Also, the talk about Kakashi having another team and he does! He gets a new team! It's so cute! Like, yes these are my new kids and I will raise them right, they are all getting into good colleges and sleeping eight hours a night.

And you have so many good like here like "her spine does a lazy curve, all lovely" and my heart just fuckin' dropped because that imagery. That, and Kakashi's bloody nose in the mask. I like when injuries feel real in stories and for some reason that one hit me.
MoonflowerDaydreamer chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
This is really good
Salofody chapter 3 . 11/18/2018
Beautifully written. I really enjoyed this short piece of Kakashi x Sakura. I find it so pleasing to see both of them close to character. Their interactions were so sweet and touching. I especially liked it when Kakashi struggled to reply to Sakura for the gift. And his struggles about worrying about her. But my gosh I wanted to slap both Naruto and Sasuke. I wanted to know more about what happens after like the verdict and how they cope. But overall this is still great!
Elisa.CFPS chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
They are so cute.
Sakuraqueen chapter 3 . 8/9/2018
Ahhh this is amazing! I love it
evening's shore chapter 3 . 7/2/2018
UGH OMG my dear author, you truly have a gift for crafting beautiful expressions. Lovely and impactful writing. His yearning and fears, her patience, the beauty of their forms - so concisely written. Asdfghjkl
annarolls chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
I really love poetic your writing is. I'm confused why Naruto seemed so blase about leaving Sakura. Tsunade's rant was incredible. I love how Kakashi's fears were palpable throughout this whole fic. Great read! Thank you.
Iscriptikus chapter 3 . 6/7/2018
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