Reviews for Hold Tight and Pretend It's a Plan
JackReaper28 chapter 20 . 7/17
*whistles* Been busy and missed this update. Well, it's even better than how I imagined it would go. Chiron was pretty much in character and all the conversation and miscommunications made complete sense... Nico... I guess it will take time to get used to this. I feel weirded out by him doing all the jumping around... Poor sweet little Hazel. Need to check on her sanity once every while now. Jealousy between Bianca and her...? We'll see. Loved it as always
I Am Definitely Jeff Bridges chapter 20 . 7/17
Hell yeah you fucking did it

This i And I am looking forward very much to part 2
Cat Beats chapter 20 . 7/16
I just binged this whole story and I am so happy to see some quality for a change on PJ.
GoddessSupernatural chapter 20 . 7/16
Woot woot! Can't waIt for the sequell :D. I was also just thinking- is Percy going to have any romantic relationships at all? Because I know Annabeth wants to be her own person and all so- Percabeth? Perlia? Jercy? Honestly I'm up for anything.
Caver Floyd chapter 20 . 7/16
A good note to end on. Small and innocent Nico is cute. I’m sure Hazel thinks the same. Looking forward to the sequel.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/14
This is an absolute masterpiece! Can’t wait for the sequel. The characters- the story- the way you write is absolutely stunning. I’m fucking crying about how good this is. You need more freaking appreciation! I’m probably never gonna get over this- your writing has helped me get through this rough time in my (and maybe someone elses) life. Tysm for writing this!
ph117 chapter 20 . 7/14
Ive really loved what youve done here, and i cant wait for the sequal of this. Youve just gained a fan.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/14
Thank you. This is so good!
DovahkiinGod chapter 20 . 7/13
It's taken two years but I can finally say it, Roll Credits!

I feel like the whole title of this story was just one giant pun towards how writers feel half the time.
mac349 chapter 20 . 7/13
Thank you for the lovely story. I’m looking forward to the next one!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/12
just wonder what pairing that you are going with? hoping hazel but you do what you feel is best. i love the story so far!
Athenakid chapter 1 . 7/12
OMG yaas! this! this is what i need! son of chaos was a good one, but this is the story line i always wanted! thank you!
JackReaper28 chapter 19 . 7/12
Don't even think on the lines that the fight would be unjustified. It's perfect. One of the best things of BotL and TLO were their unsaid words whenever they argued. That essence of it is in there here too. And ending the chapter with a mention of Riptide in his pocket. .. Ominous much?
Anonymously96 chapter 19 . 7/11
Will present Annabeth and Percy ever get to where the past Annabeth and him were?
Or the fact that Annabeth is so determined to be different from past Annabeth going to make it not feasible?
Also wondering what all Chiron will be told about and what not
Update soon
DovahkiinGod chapter 19 . 7/11
It's nice to see that Percy is finally coming around to fixing his friendship problems, especially with the mess that is AU Annabeth. I highly doubt that they'll ever get together though; she isn't his Annabeth, he knows that. At the most they'll be good friends because otherwise I feel it would take away from all the build up that has been emphasized this whole time upon their relationship.

He still cares about her, but this Annabeth cannot be his Annabeth. This is the turning moment for Percy to finally let go.

As for future romance, I'm really hoping to see a Zoe paring with Percy. It really is rare to find well written works with those two in mind. As for the plot, I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing all the changes. The different interactions between characters, and to what degree Percy is going to go in-order to save those once lost along the way.

Thanks for all the hard work! Looking forward to seeing where you take the story next!
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