Reviews for Behind Curtains
AdamTobiasGrayson chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
My issue with this is since I'm like deep into the lore of FNAF but was too unsure to actually write a story, which is why I asked staketheheart to write it, all the bits that are unique to this story throw me off and make me go "that's not right!".

Though I do like playful Foxy, but I'd still be terrified if he's pretending to eat my head (also you put "Foxy pretends to dry him tori" not sure what that means). I kinda like how Jade's made them like pets or body guards. I can now imagine Jade making them be back up dancers for one of her performances...I doubt Tori would be fine with the casual murder though.
Also, how are these two dumbasses not scared of an endoskeleton head and why would they think that there's still a girl in there?
ScottyBgood chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
Over twenty people died trying to hurt Jade or break into her business? Man, she needs to do something, or they'll depopulate the entire Los Angeles region. Seriously, whats wrong with people, that they want to hurt her so much? Anyways, now Tori is a part of this screwed up family, so I expect a bit of guilt as she adjusts to knowing the level the animatronics will go to in order to protect her. Also, Foxy's a bit of a jerk.
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
I think Foxy has taken a liking to Tori, much to her annoyance and Jade sure is protective, no surprise there, heh.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Lushcoltrane chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
Funny sequel. Glad you added this.
modesty1021 chapter 1 . 2/28/2018