Reviews for Broken Mirror: New War
bullyhater81 chapter 7 . 12/11/2019
What about Lalo the dog and Sergio the parrot?
Guest chapter 12 . 11/9/2018
Well, then. Since ThatEngineer's brainchild What Is A Person Worth is finished, and depending on when you can resume fanfiction writing...

If you ever write any follow-up to these stories, something you may consider (and this was already pointed out) is having the Casagrandes move out of Great Lakes City and into Royal Woods. Despite the hastiness of writing the Santiagos out of the main show, I hate to admit that ThatEngineer brought up a good point as to why the characters might do that sooner or later: Maria and Bobby work themselves overtime in low-paying jobs, which must be very tiring (speaking from experience); the father and husband is absent for whatever reason; bills might be piling up; and so on. Perhaps Maria moved the family back in with their relatives so she could go back to school and get a higher college degree?

Well...what about the college that Lisa sometimes teaches at?
Guest chapter 12 . 8/10/2018
Lincoln: I'm surprised you didn't break up with her.
Bobby: I did consider it. But she sounded very regretful for driving you away, so I figured she deserved a second chance.
Me: Well, that, and he wanted to make it up to you for what happened in Save The Date.

-Chandler would be the first person on his list to whom Lincoln would pay a "visit".-

In the words of Kevin McCallister: "You can mess with a lot of things. But you can't mess with kids-" ...younger or less healthy. Cue the John Williams score.
DasOriginal chapter 12 . 7/27/2018
could you at least do a one-shot where only the family figures out he was the broken mirror and maybe If I'm not pushing it a fight scene between the ace twins and the broken mirror when they try to figure out who he is you know because if there's one thing I know It's that THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE
PS never watched SAW
MrRainbow149ki chapter 7 . 7/6/2018
Skin head!
Dead head!
Everybody gone bad!
Everybody Alligation!
In the suit on the news!
Everybody dog food!
Bang,bang,shot dead!
Everybody gone mad!
Michael Jackson -They don't care about us.
That was a good story,keep up the good work.
Mr. Noname chapter 12 . 6/29/2018
And the icing on the cake: Ronnie Anne has finally stopped referring to Lincoln as "Lame-o." Perhaps her and Carlota's brush with death in the riot was just what she needed.

*claps slowly*
Mr. Noname chapter 12 . 6/29/2018
DJTimmer chapter 12 . 6/30/2018
I can see why it's time to put this story away. All major points are covered, and if you continued it become a remake of 'Restored Image'. Job well done. I look forward to your next work, and now have several pages of 'Ten Reasons' to read.
DreadedCandiru2 chapter 12 . 6/29/2018
I'm okay with no one ever finding out what he did. All they need to know is that he's back home and he's willing to let things get back to what passes for normal and that's enough.
DreadedCandiru2 chapter 11 . 6/29/2018


DreadedCandiru2 chapter 10 . 6/29/2018
I think that maybe, some idiots here are going to get dead real soon. The sisters are okay but some of the dopes on his list are screwed...
DreadedCandiru2 chapter 9 . 6/29/2018
This is why they use the phrase "In Spite Of A Nail", I think. The bombing at Royal Woods and the riot here seem to have been inevitable. All that is different is where Lincoln was.
DreadedCandiru2 chapter 8 . 6/29/2018
Okay...he was bound to be found out anyway. Once the inevitable paroxysm of violence is over, he can head home and try to acclimate...
LiteralTrash001 chapter 12 . 6/28/2018
So, none of his family found out that he was the BM? I feel like a sequel where everyone finds out Lincoln was BM, would be a pretty enjoyable read.
Anyways, good work. I sort of wanted to see a bit more of Lincoln’s hostilities towards his father. Still, very enjoyable.
X3corez chapter 12 . 6/28/2018
So everything back to normal just like in restored image?

Eh...I expect something different but oh well..
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