Reviews for Famous First Words
Yaoi fangirl chapter 5 . 4/22
I know I shouldn't be happy about this but yes finally some evil Rochu yes I've been looking for this I demand blood god I have issues
Guest chapter 17 . 4/1
I hope you're still working on this! This is one of the best fanfics I've read in a while and I absolutely adore it. Of course I don't want to rush you, but I can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/14
No matter how much time passes between chapters I always look forward to the next one! I would be lying if I said I didn't hope that it comes out soon, but still take as much time as you need. Keep up the good work, it has me on the edge of my seat.
Bi.tan chapter 17 . 2/7
What?! Nooo you cant leave me hanging here? The suspense is gonna kill me!
Jokes aside, this story is something Ford sure, so much going on, i literally binge read this, it sometimes leaves you on waste, and it is a real mystery that isn’t easy to figure out, a nice challenge
I thought about reviewing several times in some chapters, but well i just didnt feel like it so I’m gonna ramble now
Like is it just me or there’s huge information flow in that club? I mean wouldn’t the owner be informed that someone was fired? Does the manager even have power to do that ? Speacially seeing how Mathew is a special case
Actually, every person has skeletons in the closet here, though some are a bit weird ... I mean wouldn’t the police know that Gil and mick are related? And if they do isn’t stupid and possibly ilegal to put Gil in charge of that particular case?
I’m gonna assume this takes place somewhere in America, if its mentioned sorry XP i didnt catch it though
I was gonna bitch about arthur’s Talk with Gil, but then seeing how the detectives were treated in the gala i sort of understood, though i must admit I’m honestly surprised, i mean isn’t a detective a respectable position? Where I’m from its taken with lots of respect, btw I’m talking about things in Portugal, but idk how high society really works in general ... snob arrogant assholes
I did not see the hole Matt being younger thing coming, and sincerely was kinda of weirded out, i mean ... like Gil is 27 and Matt is apparently about 16 ... so yeah that makes things rather akward ...
I also thought it was weird, if not forced for Gil and Matt to fuck on their first official date, like so long for them to even kiss and then bang next time they see each other? A bit out of line but whatever
Based on antonio’s Description I’m gonna assume he has a soft version of d.i.d since it doesnt seem like the other is a separe identity but just a side of him and for what we see he seems to remember what he did to the Sargent
And is it only me or is everyone exaggerating in their reaction to antonio’s Episode with the Sargent, i mean what that guy was about to do was rape, and if it was me that saw someone i love about to be raped, lets just say they would be lucky if they got away like the Sargent did. And due to the situation could the Sargent even press charges? I mean he did try to rape Francis and although you can argue Antonio was excessively violent i think guiven what he saw it was sort of justifiable, in the middle of it all i think if the situation was reported the one who would be in serious trouble was the Sargent for attempting such a thing against a fellow coworker, specially since he is supposed to protect people from this
And i was so expecting when Lars was showing kiko’s picture that Alfred would be there with him, cause i am almost sure he’s alive.
I think thats enough for now, sorry for my non sense but I’m dead tired, concratulations for a great story!
Oh no it isn’t ! You know why? Because it isn’t finished ! Soooo please dont be a dick and finish this pretty messed up piece of addicting fiction !
P.s r.i.p for Matt and art for what we saw on the last chap... they really dont deserve it ... i feel awfull for art, like what they did to him was dispicable, and they deserve to suffer consequences
Though i didnt get it if mick was aware of the directors actions, i think so due to the remember my generosity thing but idk
Guest chapter 17 . 1/11
Please please PLEASE continue to update this! i WILL cry if you don’t because this is so good and i need more of it in my life. please.
15EmiRose21 chapter 17 . 1/6
Oh damn, this story is absolutely fantastic and I really hope that it'll get continued at some point. I'm on the edge of my seat!
Moonstone383 chapter 17 . 10/26/2019
I think it’s safe to say the only reason people aren’t following the story more is because they want to keep it at 69 LOL
gHiRaHimOfThEsUrFaCe chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
Please, please, pleaaaaaaseeee continue this story! I’m dying to know if Mattie is actually as old as he says he is! C’mon man ur killin meh!
Guest chapter 17 . 7/29/2019
Hi! Let me start with the fact that I really really love this story! I adore your writing style and I can't wait for the next update. I truly hope you enjoy writing this as much as I enjoy reading it. Have a nice day!
YeetThemFeels chapter 16 . 5/31/2019
Pft, only 39? Boi, I've survived a fever of 46.11 degrees Celsius (115 degrees Fahrenheit)! Granted, I was dragged to the hospital against my will while hallucinating...
Seriously though, can I just say that you're an amazing author? I love the way you write these characters and I feel like this is the most accurate way I've seen them represented. Everything is very engaging and needless details aren't mucking up everything to be "quirky úwù." Also I shiiip it! (All of it!)
TheFreakZone chapter 17 . 5/29/2019
Okay, I spent the entire chapter cooing over Emil and Li because they're adorable, but then it came to that end and, uh, excuse me? What the heck is Mikkel planning? Why is he (presumably) being a dick to Gil? (Aside from the fact that he's investigating his shady business... n_n") And what's in that envelope? Is it Matt's true age, perhaps? Oh, so many questions... Can't wait to get the answers!
Moonstone383 chapter 17 . 5/26/2019
I am personally victimized by the fluff that is Li x Emilsnowflake
PotatoPasta chapter 17 . 5/26/2019
Mikkel: Tell me who you’re looking for
Ivan: to what end? Dread it. Run from it. destiny arrives all the same. And now it’s here. Or should I say— I am. 6 infinity children ofc. I already have Li stone in my possession. With all six of then! I shall decimate half of the hamburgers in America!
Alfred: Allied! *fixing his shield* ...assemble!

There! I just had to say it xD

The Li x Emil situation seems like Romeo and Juliet except Li is stalky/bold enough to sneak into Emil’s room after he took a bath lol

How the hell ivan knows all this!? And ofc I wonder what’s in the envelop... maybe REAL file of Mattie? His age and all?

Plus where the hell are the main casts!? Dx I was desperate to see them!
Guest chapter 15 . 4/24/2019
Since Francis (technically everyone with Internet?) has seen Arthur's porn vids before couldn't he find the rape one and use it as evidence of a crime when/if he coaxes either Arthur or Matthew into pressing charges? As a couple others have pointed out shouldn't Matt have a disability discrimination case? I get being scared of Mikkel, but despite them saying "nobody messes with Mikkel 's boys," his other staff seem to be getting away with abusing them on the regular.
CiaoPartigiano chapter 16 . 4/22/2019
Oh my god! The cliff hanger! This story is so good! And so heartbreaking! I love the relationship you have for the BTT is so precious and I wish more people wrote about it! My heart aches for everyone here...please keep up the good work!
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