Reviews for Bayek of Nowhere, Father of No One
Guest chapter 12 . 9/11/2019
I think this would have been million times better if Bayek was the one traveling back in time..
HelenTheMoon chapter 3 . 5/11/2019
Perhaps this is nitpicking, but the part about the languages? I'm saying this as a native speaker - Greek hasn't changed. Just barely. I can understand every single insult thrown at Bayek in Alexandria, from "People's stupidity is immortal" to whatever. He could probably hold a conversation in Greek with great ease, even in the modern era.
David12leca chapter 28 . 1/2/2019
i nearly cried at this i have no idea but whoa boy it was alot harder not to cry at the dad part im telling my self its the glare is from the computer but its not really lol.
David12leca chapter 20 . 1/2/2019
i cant explain it but this is it this is the story i have always wanted omfg I LOVE IT
David12leca chapter 16 . 1/2/2019
as the 100th review i would like to congratulate you on a job well done take a bow you're an amazing author
David12leca chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
HOLY SHIT THIS IS beyond what i had ever imagined
David12leca chapter 9 . 1/2/2019
IM in operation bayek family is a go brilliant story btw i love it
NyaPowa chapter 34 . 8/23/2018
Found your story and read it in nearly one go. Congrats for this nice work. It is original, well-written, with a good plot and a really good input about the canon and the universe. Thanks for sharing!
However, I do wonder why... why you did not play the solar flare ?
My memories of the game are blurry, but I remember there was supposed to be a solar flare on 21st Decembre 2012. And Juno promised that either she was free and she could save humanity and Desmond had to die, or he survived, but humanity would greatly suffer, making him a sort of leader/prophet.
So if it your story, Juno is captive... what happens when the solar flare come?

Many thanks!
Aren serathy chapter 34 . 6/7/2018
All good things. Anyway neat ending can imagine Juno thinking something along the lines of “and back to square one” as for the Sequel more Layla please boss, the story started out with me thinking it was going to focus on her, then Desmond deleted his past self(time travel is WEIRD). Can’t wait for the sequel know it’s gonna be gud till we meet again

P.S Your thoughts on the new AC?
ACG chapter 34 . 6/6/2018
Been busy for a bit, but nice to see everyone together as a family.

What I said before still stands, in that while people want to see characters like Aya, the Fryes, and maybe Arno, Elise, Connor, and Ziio, I still wanna see more of Edward. Especially of what he thinks about what happened to his friends, children, and grandchildren after his death. Maybe throw in Adewale even though Shay probably already killed him. I would mention other females like Shao Jun or Avaline, but I don't think you'd have much to work with with them. Though if you go the route of saving killed people like Khemu, then perhaps we could see members of Ezio's family like Petruccio. As for villains, other than other Isu, there's always Templars who aren't as reconciliatory as Berg and Lucy.

Welp, that's my two cents. Good luck with whatever you do next!

Jack54311 chapter 34 . 6/5/2018
I really enjoyed this story. Great job! Other than the Frye twins, I'd like to see more of past Layla, specifically interacting with future Layla. That one scene was great lol. Looking forward to the sequel!
HelenTheMoon chapter 34 . 6/4/2018
Well... Not the craziest thing I've read from you, but still a good fanfic.
Upstart Psycho chapter 34 . 6/4/2018
This was so great! I’d love seeing more of everyone. Of course, Desmond, Layla, and Bayek need involvement. And more of Desmond’s ancestors. I feel like Ezio was forgotten, though.
What if they were to bring him to the present? Anyway, Aya is a must. There’s just so much left unsaid there that needs addressing. I’m surprised Khemu hasn’t said anything more about his mother. I’m so hype for more!
Shy911 chapter 33 . 6/1/2018
Yay! Another chapter! This is really good!
Mona-The-Hunter chapter 33 . 6/1/2018
Thank God Desmond lives! I still feel bad for Elijah... he's such a strong sweetie!
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